[Qt] TQtWidget

Павел Ишенин webpirat at mail.ru
Wed Jul 11 17:30:58 CEST 2007

Hello, Items specific to the Qt widget set

I have a problem with adding new fields into TQtWidget class. I dont 
know why. Maybe some dependency somewhere on TQtWidget memory layout?

If I add 2 fields (tryed with 2 Boolean fields into public section) for 

    AVariant: QVariantH;
    Widget: QWidgetH;
    LCLObject: TWinControl;
    HasCaret: Boolean; <--- this
    InPaint: Boolean; <--- and this

then I have problems with starting qt ide (AV in TQtMenu destructor). If 
I am tring to debug ide with gdb then I have no  AV. Without adding that 
2 fields I have no AV also. Even adding one fields cause AV.

So please, if you know about some dependency on TQtWidget layout in 
memory then let me know. Ofcource this can be memory corruptions caused 
by other code. If you know how to catch mem leaks and corruptions under 
lazarus-qt please let me know too.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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