[Qt] Caret problems
Павел Ишенин
webpirat at mail.ru
Tue Jul 10 16:11:08 CEST 2007
Hello, Items specific to the Qt widget set
I am trying to implement Caret functions like CreateCaret, DestroyCaret,
ShowCaret, HideCaret. I looked at Qt classes and did not find apropriate
methods to create caret. Yes, I can create control with caret but it is
not the same. That functions mimics winapi. So I decided to implement
Caret the same way as gtk widgetset do.
Caret in gtk is 2 pixmaps that showing with interval (one pixmap
contains bg and second caret). So I thinked it would be easy to achive
same on qt.
But I have problems.
When I am trying to draw on widget it becomes gray and all other
painting is dissapeared (maybe becase i do this on timer event and not
on paint event).
To draw on windget I am using this code:
DC := TQtDeviceContext.Create(THandle(Self));
SrcRect := Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height);
DstRect := Bounds(X, Y - 1, Width, Height);
DC.drawImage(@DstRect, AImage.Handle, @SrcRect);
What is more proper way to do this?
ps: you can test caret yourself. To do this apply patch, add SynEdit
control to form, run application and press into synedit. You'll see what
is wrong.
Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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