[Qt] Todays commit
Paul Ishenin
ip at kmiac.ru
Thu Jul 12 08:10:15 CEST 2007
Hello, Items specific to the Qt widget set.
I've tried to understand what can cause memory corruption. My first
assumption was that Qt events can be fired while Widget destroying. So I
moved all event creation code to TQtWidget.AttachEvents and all event
destuction code to TQtWidget.DetachEvents.
Before Widget destruction I call DetachEvents to ensure that no events
will be fired during death process.
Please look at solution. If you dislike it then revert commit. As for
me, code became more beautiful without repeating of event attaching
stuff in various units.
But this did not help with memory corruption.
While experiments I've catched exception in TQtWSCustomControl.ShowHide
in this part
if not AWinControl.InheritsFrom(TCustomForm) then
After replacing it with
if Widget is TQtAbstractScrollArea then
memory corruption is gone.
So, I think such replacemennts can be done in all code where we looking
at LCL component, but doing cast of TQtWidget.
I also commited TQtCaret, but disabled it work through ifdefs at moment.
Please check how this changes will affect your test (or work) applications.
I will not be available for monday morning, so fell free to revert
commit if something will work wrong.
Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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