[Qt] New Qt patch TSpinEdit,TFloatSpinEdit ...

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Thu May 31 17:51:02 CEST 2007

On Thursday 31 May 2007 17:16, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Hi zeljko,
> Are you porting a large software to the qt interface, or something
> like that? Just curiosity =)

Nope, I have some free time those days (till Sunday), so I'm trying to help as 
much as I can :), and of course maybe I'll port my software to lazarus-fpc 
one day, but not now (MDI support missing).

> I keep wondering how far is the qt widgetset from being able to run
> lazarus IDE. This would be definetively great =)

IDE can run, but there's some error with adding menu actions, so it dies at 
that point (screenshoot attached - I have to scale image, only 40k msg 
allowed). I think that it's not so far away from 
coding under qt lazarus.

* Is there any chance to commit latest qt4.pas from Den (with QStyle) added so 
we can use QStyle drawing utilites (qt-4.2.3) ?

* I've installed FPC-2.1.4-beta, and same problem is still sitting at
 qt4.CopyUnicodeToPWideString() just raises AV when any text change occurs in 
QLineEdit and QTextEdit (those events are implemented with my latest 
patches). AV raises when Len parameter is > 1 ?!? I think that this is FPC 

As I said workaround is to set try..except around Setlength(s, Len) inside 
this routine, and then everything looks fine:

SetLength(s, Len);


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