[Qt] Key problem

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Wed Sep 5 23:53:31 CEST 2007

On Wednesday 05 September 2007 04:41:05 Paul Ishenin wrote:
> Hello,  Items specific to the Qt widget set.
> I am ivestigating one bug in qt ide. When I press [Ctrl + Shift +
> 1]..[Ctrl + Shift + 9] editor adds bookmark. But this doesnot happen
> when I press [Ctrl + Shit + 2]. Debugging show me that in that case Qt
> returns QtKey_At instead of QtKey_2. I am just curious is that bug of qt
> itself or bindings? Den, please check.

I added some code to demo shapedclock keypress for investigation,
turned out behaviour is a bit different in windows and linux, see yourself.
I have qwerty US keyboard. Probably other keyboards have again other 
behaviours (shift and caps lock work differently on qwerty and azerty if I 
remember well, I always use qwerty).

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