[Qt] qt tshapes arm

Terry Kemp klc at klc.net.nz
Tue Jun 17 23:10:11 CEST 2008

looking closer at the panel painting on arm it has the same rubbish in
QMatrix_Dx,Dy but draws correctly.

So confusing - what am I missing here?

TQtWidget.SlotPaint Panel1:TPanel
Trace:> [WinAPI BeginPaint] Handle=40F14980
TQtDeviceContext.Create ( WidgetHandle: 20FDE8 FromPaintEvent:-1 )
TQtFont.Create CreateHandle: False
TQtBrush.Create CreateHandle: False
TQtPen.Create CreateHandle: False
TQtRegion.Create CreateHandle: False
TQtBrush.Create CreateHandle: False
Trace:< [WinAPI BeginPaint] Result=40F91440
[WinAPI SetWindowOrgEx] DC: 40F91440 NewX: 0 NewY: 0
Trace: > [WinAPI GetWindowOrgEx]
Trace: < [WinAPI GetWindowOrgEx] QMATRIX_DX 4.04927724815157E-308
Trace: < [WinAPI GetWindowOrgEx] QMATRIX_DY4.06083788122075E-308
Trace: < [WinAPI GetWindowOrgEx] Result=(x=0,y=0)
Trace:> [WinAPI SelectObject] DC=40F91440 GDIObj=40EEAFC0
TQtDeviceContext.pen() TQtDeviceContext.setPen() TQtDeviceContext.pen()
Trace:< [WinAPI SelectObject] Result=40EEAE00 ObjectType=Pen
[WinAPI MoveToEx] DC:40F91440 X:0 Y:0
Trace:> [WinAPI CreateBrushIndirect]  Style: 0, Color:   FFFF00 (clAqua)
TQtBrush.Create CreateHandle: True
Trace:< [WinAPI CreateBrushIndirect] Result: 40EEB120
Trace:> [WinAPI SelectObject] DC=40F91440 GDIObj=40EEB120
TQtDeviceContext.brush() TQtDeviceContext.setBrush() Trace:< [WinAPI
SelectObject] Result=40EEA880 ObjectType=Brush
Trace:> [WinAPI SetBkColor] DC: 40F91440 Color: 16776960
TQtDeviceContext.setBKColor() TQtDeviceContext.backgroundBrush()
TQtDeviceContext.backgroundBrush() Trace:> [WinAPI SetBkMode]
DC=40F91440 BkMode=2
TQtDeviceContext.setBKMode() [TQtWidgetSet.Frame3d Rect=
[TQtWidgetSet.Frame3d Rect= x1=6,y1=6,x2=164,y2=44
Trace:> [WinAPI SaveDC] DC=40F91440
Trace:< [WinAPI SaveDC] result=1
Trace:> [WinAPI GetStockObject] Value: 17
TQtFont.Create CreateHandle: True
Trace:< [WinAPI GetStockObject] Value: 17
Trace:> [WinAPI SelectObject] DC=40F91440 GDIObj=40EEB180
TQtDeviceContext.font()TQtDeviceContext.setFont() Trace:< [WinAPI
SelectObject] Result=40EEAEA0 ObjectType=Font
[WinAPI DrawText] DC: 40F91440 Str: Panel1 CalcRect: True
TQtDeviceContext.font()[WinAPI DrawText] Rect= x1=12,y1=12,x2=50,y2=30
Trace:> [WinAPI SetBkMode] DC=40F91440 BkMode=1
TQtDeviceContext.setBKMode() [WinAPI SetTextColor] DC: 40F91440
[WinAPI DrawText] DC: 40F91440 Str: Panel1 CalcRect: False
TQtDeviceContext.font()TQtDeviceContext.drawText x: 66 Y: 16 w: 38 h:
Trace:> [WinAPI RestoreDC] DC=40F91440 SavedDC=1
Trace:< [WinAPI RestoreDC]
Trace:> [WinAPI SelectObject] DC=40F91440 GDIObj=40EEA880
TQtDeviceContext.brush() TQtDeviceContext.setBrush() Trace:< [WinAPI
SelectObject] Result=40EEB120 ObjectType=Brush
Trace:> [WinAPI SelectObject] DC=40F91440 GDIObj=40EEAE00
TQtDeviceContext.pen() TQtDeviceContext.setPen() TQtDeviceContext.pen()
Trace:< [WinAPI SelectObject] Result=40EEAFC0 ObjectType=Pen
[WinAPI EndPaint] Handle: 40F14980 PS.HDC: 40F91440

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