[Qt] qt tshapes arm] bindings question

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Fri Jun 20 13:57:59 CEST 2008

On Friday 20 June 2008 01:55:44 Terry Kemp wrote:
> Thanks, if its not a simple change - i.e. don't spend too long on it -

for me the change is not too big, but the LCL people need to look into this.

before I replaced qreal with double 
now you make me notice that qreal is actually defined as :

#if defined(QT_ARCH_ARM) || (defined(QT_ARCH_MIPS) && !defined(Q_OS_IRIX))
#define QT_NO_FPU

#if defined(QT_COORD_TYPE)
typedef QT_COORD_TYPE qreal;
#elif defined(QT_NO_FPU)
typedef float qreal;
typedef double qreal;

So I need to keep qreal as a new type in pascal and 
define it according the architecture:

  {$ifdef CPUARM}
    QReal = Double;
    QReal = single;

So here is a temp release, can everyone (LCL/Qt) see what compatiblity 
problems this creates ?


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