[Qt] Qt Embedded

Terry Kemp klc at klc.net.nz
Wed Oct 1 10:01:15 CEST 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 08:23 +0200, zeljko wrote:
> This is fixed in r 16818.


> Don't use 4.4.2 bindings yet :)

C'mon, someones gotta test it ;)

Actually - I have it all working now, except I had to guess at the bpp
definition for the extra arbg stuff, fixed the longword/widestring error
and I commented out some of the broken dialog stuff I don't use on arm

In another thread I need to ask how to use the other stuff in qt thats
not part of the lcl - like radialGradients for example. I can get it to
work using the binding demo code by defining a gradient and passing to
qbrush on create but not from lazarus. Tbrush and QBrushH errors etc.
Bit vague I know but the code I was playing with is at work.

I looked at the wiki about accessing the qt widgets directly but it
didn't seem to help me.


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