[Qt] I need a hack

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Mon Sep 22 20:16:55 CEST 2008

On Monday 22 September 2008 01:18:28 Paul Ishenin wrote:
> No, you dont understand. Yes, on windows it works through an ifdef. But
? :-)
> if they found a linux, osx solution they'll add it near with the same
I was not verbose enough. There is no linux/darwin solution, just fixed colors 
from palette not related to titlebar. Actually palette colors enumerate
does not even have an entries for titlebar active/inactive, gradient 
active/inactive. They overwrite other enum functionality. 
All functionality is in getsyscolor and the DesktopPalette code is from an 
mdi -> do you want to create an mdi widget to be able to call this code ?? 
The palette is initialized with the palette from the mdi widget BTW.

> ifdef. In any case GetDesktopPalette() will return colors I need.
> And I think it is worse to use windows calls inside qt widgetset than
> using a hack around qt since last guaranty we will get working
> cross-platform solution.
-> it is not cross platform. There is none.
I needed to read/set titlebar color on Linux, all I could find was : 
read.write kde config file -> call dcop -Hhome -u user dcop kwin KWinInterface 
reconfigure (usable for my controlled clients, not usable as a general 

Everything in mdi::desktoppalette can done directly qt/pascal. 
In a procedure that is provided with a widget to initialize the palette from (no mdi):

X11 (V1.65) Temp Release for Mailing List

-> demo windowflags.pas has some new code (temporarily)
     just copy this file over to windows, compile and run it there -> tested on XP.
     on linux it does what it reads (return selection color)

writeln('Active Title Bar=Active Highlight:','r:',QColor_red(@Color):3,'  g:',QColor_green(@Color):3,'  b:',QColor_blue(@Color):3);
writeln('Active Gradient=Active Base:','r:',QColor_red(@Color):3,'  g:',QColor_green(@Color):3,'  b:',QColor_blue(@Color):3);


Den Jean

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