[Qt] Problem with linking on Mac

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Thu Dec 3 20:51:56 CET 2009

On Thursday 03 December 2009 19:40, Den Jean wrote:

> When changed what ? When I created V1.72 in September,
> I could compile apps on OsX with the provide compile script
> in the demos package (compile_exe_fr_mac.sh).
> I did not change anything since September.
> Also lazarus should compile with:
> make clean all LCL_PLATFORM=qt OPT="-k'-framework' -k'Qt4Intf' -k'-lobjc'
> -k'-framework' -k'Foundation'"
> Both compilation methods only use framework.

Yesterday I've decided to update lazarus & qt on my intel mac (10.4.XX), 
downloaded qt453 + 1.72 (was 451 + 1.70 bindings think and it was ok).
Now I cannot rebuild lazarus with command you mentioned above.
I must add each qt lib with -k to get it compiled.
So I'm just wondering why is it so (i see that there's no changes in compile 
script) but something must be wrong (not with script) but with my mac ?


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