[Qt] New LCL/Qt WebKit Demo: javascript, plugins, cookies, proxy and server authentication
Den Jean
Den.Jean at telenet.be
Tue Jun 16 21:10:25 CEST 2009
I uploaded a new version of the LCL/Qt WebKit demo browser.
Javascript and plugins were already supported:
Added cookie and authentication support to the FreePascal Qt4 Binding with V71RC1 (Qt 4.5.X):
(binary for linux 32 only)
The lclwebkit demo saves proxy settings and cookies in GetAppConfigDir(False)
The cookies are not maintained (i.e. no policing, no removal of expired or older versions of same url etc)
This is left as an exercise ;-)
Please test it and report. Then I will release it as V1.71 with binaries for all platforms (one at a time ;-)
To install, compile binding library (report/update wikies if you have troubles with that)
then copy V1.71RC1 qt4.pas on top of lazarus/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas in a lazarus svn.
For lazarus code completion, code browsing and hints to work including unit qt4.pas,
copy V1.71RC1 qt4.pas on top of qt4.pas instead of qt45.pas (Qt_45 only then)
Needs Qt 4.5.X. So install Qt 4.5.X system wide OR compile Qt somewhere and do
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/some/where/qt-all-opensource-src-4.5.1/lib
// compile svn lazarus with on linux
$make PREFIX=/usr clean all LCL_PLATFORM=qt OPT="-dUSE_QT_45"
// in same console as you did export, start lazarus
Den Jean
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