[Qt] [Re] QT WebKit how to use in Lazarus?

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Fri May 15 21:53:46 CEST 2009


>The v 1.70 does not contain examples of such component lazarus TPanel,
>TTabSheet, etc ... that encapsulate a twebview. And I do not know how ...

here is an example. 

I did not encapsulate everything in pascal OO,
at least it shows how to encapsulate in panel.

It also shows some fun direct signal/slot stuff,
very brief code, but you should know what you do :-)
  QObject_connect(WebView.Handle,Signal('titleChanged ( const QString & ) 
'),L2Qt(Application.MainForm),Slot('setWindowTitle ( const QString & )'));

You should use the hook_hook stuff normally.

Would you mind in return :-) hehe, check the bindings readmes 
and/or the lazarus Qt wiki's from the point of view 
of a LCL/Qt starter. I have no idea if it is easy or not 
to install lazarus with Qt.  Any improvements would be welcome.

thx in advance,

Den Jean

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