[Qt] qt4pas-V1.72_Qt4.5.2 compile issues

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Mon Nov 23 22:12:10 CET 2009

On Monday 23 November  2009 05:47:58 Nataraj S Narayan wrote:
> ((QWidget *)handle)->setAccessibleDescription(t_description);

read Qt source code: src/gui/kernel/qwidget.h
    Q_PROPERTY(QString accessibleName READ accessibleName WRITE setAccessibleName)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString accessibleDescription READ accessibleDescription WRITE setAccessibleDescription)
This means your system Qt was compiled with QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY 
which create a binary and source incompatible Qt for general qt applications or 
dependant libraries. However this is the usual case for embedded system Qts.
I have no other solution for the moment then to advise, if possible, to 
compile and install an embedded qt compiled with the default settings 
./configure -v -confirm-license -prefix `pwd` -opengl -xrender -xcursor -xrandr -qvfb -openssl -fontconfig -sm -opensource

For widely used devices with a preinstalled Qt, I could add these as a supported 
platform with a specific binding generated for those.



Den Jean

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