[Qt] QT binding anomalies

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Fri Mar 5 18:06:27 CET 2010


> no, seem that FDropList doesn't attach signals, but FLineEdit do that, so
> you can test
> procedure TQtLineEdit.SignalTextChanged(p1: PWideString); cdecl;
> var
>   Msg: TLMessage;
> begin
>   FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), #0);
>   Msg.Msg := CM_TEXTCHANGED;
>   DeliverMessage(Msg); <---- comment this and see if it still flickers 
> end;

Well, this fix looked so good that I was sure it works but no...
The same flicker is still there. 
I also tried the earlier changes but no difference.
I will debug the code some more. I am quite sure it is related to the edit 
control. I just don't know this code well and have to guess a lot.


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