[Qt] How to compile qt bindings

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Thu Dec 1 13:57:24 CET 2011

On Thursday 01 December 2011 11:17:17 Johan Kotze wrote:
> I have downloaded the source and ran qmake - query in the /src directory.
> That produced the following:

When you unpack qt4pas-V2.4_Qt4.5.3.tar.gz you get
a directory qt4pas-V2.4_Qt4.5.3. The instructions say

* Download and unpack the sources    
* cd into the soures directory    
* run qmake -query to inspect your Qt installation    
* qmake (creates Makefile)    

The sources dir is qt4pas-V2.4_Qt4.5.3 and not qt4pas-V2.4_Qt4.5.3/src

The qmake program of Qt4 looks for a file *.pro (Project file).
Here is the contents of qt4pas-V2.4_Qt4.5.3

COPYING.TXT  Makefile  qt4.pas  Qt4Pas.pro  README.TXT  src/  tmp/

Just run qmake there (and then make ...)

The instruction were not meant to be terse, it is funny how
things can be unexpectedly misleading (sources dir vs. src/).


Den Jean

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