[Qt] Link failure (undefined reference to `QFileDialog_selectFilter')

Laird lairdshaw77 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 13:29:58 CET 2011

Thanks for the help, zeljko.

> in terminal
> make bigideclean LCL_PLATFORM=qt
> make bigide LCL_PLATFORM=qt
> and it should work (DO NOT ADD USE_QT_45 DEFINE or similar those are not
> needed), also lazarus trunk is much better then 0.9.30 (a lot of things
> is fixed, and MDI support is added).

I did that, and when I restarted Lazarus the IDE was Qt instead of GTK, 
however I still couldn't compile a new project with a Qt interface - I 
still got the same linker errors.  Any other ideas?

> qt4intf isn't used anymore, only libQt4Pas.
> ln -s libQt4Pas.so.5.2.1 libQt4Pas.so.5.2
> ln -s libQt4Pas.so.5.2.1 libQt4Pas.so.5
> ln -s libQt4Pas.so.5.2.1 libQt4Pas.so
> and it should work.

Unfortunately, it doesn't.  I have those symlinks (except that I have 
5.2.4 instead of 5.2.1) but it doesn't work when I delete the additional 
symlink that I created, libqt4intf.so.  Then I get the following errors:

> /usr/bin/ld: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt4intf
> project1.lpr(19,1) Error: Error while linking
> project1.lpr(19,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping


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