[Qt] FPC Qt4 Binding Questions

Uladzimir Kryvian newinferno at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 08:56:50 CEST 2014

I have some questions about *Qt4Pas*.
1) I want to disable importing of *QtWebToolkit*, *QtNetwork *and other non
usable libs except *QtGui*, *QtCore *in my program. What I should to do?
2) Process of compiling binding from sources with *CONFIG += x86 x86_64*
 for *Mac *finishes successfully, but I can't build my program with result
framework. *Lazarus *tells me:
*ld: file not found: QtGui.framework/Versions/4/QtGui for architecture i386*
But compiled framework from site works good. "*File*" util tells me that my
and site's dylibs have the same format: *i386 Mach-o dynamically shared
library*. So I don't know what to do.

Can you redirect this mail to author of *Qt Bindings*. Thank you!

Dr. MefistO, Inc.
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