[lazarus] We just got hit by Melissa

Cliff Baeseman Cliff.Baeseman at Greenheck.Com
Thu Apr 22 12:04:44 EDT 1999

We just got struck by melissa. I think we killed it quick enough to stop the
problem though.

So if my responses are a little slow you know why.

I must say that it was pretty cool watching it in action. I now know why
some of the first hit large companies where
caught off guard so easily.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 10:09 AM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: Re: RE: [lazarus] Problem with FPC

Could someone do me a favor.....

In stdControls.pp I have soe source code that defines a class called
TMemoStrings (AFTER Implementation)

In TMemoStrings if I uncomment the function overrides, I get a compiler
error saying...
"overloaded methods which are virtual; must have the same return type:
followed by similiar errors on the remaining procedures.  WHY?

If you look at the definition for TStrings and look at these procedures
you'll see that they ARE returning the same type.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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