[lazarus] Lazarus CVS update

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu Apr 29 10:26:16 EDT 1999

This seems to work pretty nice.  However it still doesn't allow for any mechanism of resizing the child components along with the parent.  
The problem is this:  If the memo resizes, how do you automatically move the scrollbars along side it and below it?  I thought a table component would do the trick, but it doesn't.  A fixed box simply stops them from resizing with the parent, so it DOES allow me to then notify them of the parentrs size and resize them.  I simply have to find a method for doing that.

BTW, in your previous email you stated that you were going to be working alone on an IDE similiar to what we are developing (if I understood correctly).  It seems that would be a waste of valuable resources as we seem to be doing something quite similiar.  Perhaps joining our team if our goals are compatable would be the thing to do.


>>> Nicolas Aragon <nico at clubdelphi.com> 04/29 1:27 AM >>>

>Should we remove the tables from our forms or is this the only way to throw a button on a form and be able to move it around freely?  What is the NEED for the table?  I don't remember why we required it.

I suppose you walked the same road as me. 
There's a solution, though. The only problem is that this widget is
undocummented. At least in my gtk manual copy. Anyway it's not very
difficult to figure out what it does from the interface (gtkfixed.pp).

I do it this way:

procedure TGtkControl.InsertChildControl( Child: TGtkControl );
  if Box = nil then begin
    Box := gtk_fixed_new();
    gtk_widget_show( Box );
    gtk_container_add( pGtkContainer( PWidget ), Box );
  gtk_fixed_put( pGtkFixed( Box ), 
                 Child.FTop );

Obviously my TGtkControl has:

    PWidget: PGtkWidget;
    Box: PGtkWidget;
    FTop: Integer;
    FLeft: Integer;

Hope it helps :)

A question: is CVS public? I suppose I have a pretty old copy of your



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