[RE: [Re: [lazarus] wndproc]]

Markku Niskanen markku.niskanen at laatumikro.fi
Mon Aug 23 16:36:43 EDT 1999

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:19:59 +0100, you wrote:

>The reason delphi works like this is because they extended the windows
>abstraction even further so it can be used in what I am calling the GTK way
>(with seperate handlers - much nicer than wndproc WHEN you've got the
>choice) as well as via the windows way.

	I cannot but agree. I have used a remarkable piece
	of software called Clarion for Windows for several
	years and cannot but love the extra abstraction that
	makes ordinary Windows application development
	so much faster and the applications easier to maintain.
	Clarion goes much further in the abstraction which
	has lots of pros and just a few cons.

	After writing a few pieces of software using plain
	MSC both Clarion and Delphi are like Ferraris.

	I've downloaded but not examined yet how WxWindows
	people have overcome this problem. I know the library
	works in GTK and in Windows, at least.

markku.niskanen at laatumikro.fi

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