[lazarus] hmm..

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Tue Aug 24 16:39:00 EDT 1999

H E L L O !  !  !

-- H E L L O ! ! !

--- H E L L O ! !

----H E L L o !!

-----H E L l o !!

-----H E l l o !

-----H e l l o !

-----h e l l o !


Man, is it quiet in here!

Anyways, here's a though for someone.
I wanted to use TWinControl .Invalidate to REDRAW my form for me.  Howoever, there wasn't any code done for INVALIDATE yet.
So, I created a LM_INVALIDATE const and called SendMessage(LM_INVALIDATE,Self,nil) from the procedure.
In gtkobject.inc I tried to gtk_signal_emit_by_name a expose event thinking that this wouyld be the best way to force a redraw.
I can't get the emit to work because I don't know the exact parameters I should be passing.  Could someone look at this for me please.

The Invalidate happens when a user loads a file in the editor and presses PGDN.  I recalc the window's virtual position and call an invalidate.
Currently, I have commented out the call in TWINCONTROL.INVALIDATE so it doesn't crash.  Please pull the latest and give it a look.


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