[lazarus] Internal compiler error

Shane Miller smiller at lakefield.net
Wed Aug 25 21:15:31 EDT 1999

You constantly get that error when compiling many files at once.  Simply
recompile again and because some don't need to be updated, less will be
compiled and it'll get further.
Shane Miller

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-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Weustink <weus at quicknet.nl>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 3:01 PM
Subject: [lazarus] Internal compiler error

>I just found the $FPCDIR/ide/text tree in the sources and was a bit
>courious what it does. However it needs the file
>$FPCDIR/compiler/browcol.pas, which needs to be compiled :-)
>This results in:
>marc:~/lazarus/compiler$ ppc386 browcol.pas
>Target OS: Linux for i386
>Compiling browcol.pas
>Compiling files.pas
>Compiling symtable.pas
>Compiling tree.pas
>Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
>tree.pas(765,20) Fatal: Internal error 9999
>Seems not ok. However I compiled the compiler successfull and there is a
>tree.o and a tree.ppu
>Anyone a clue
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