[lazarus] classesh.inc change required

vital at videotron.ca vital at videotron.ca
Mon Dec 20 21:12:55 EST 1999

At 21:08 99-12-20 -0500, you wrote:

>Well given how TBits is written and the fact that it is included in the
>classes unit we might be able to get away with it in this case.
>However please note the following information from in the FPC Manuals.
>Since most of what we are doing should be using the "$MODE DELPHI"
>switch this puts a kink in it.
>+++++++++++++ From the manuals ++++++++++++++++++
>D.3 Delphi mode
>This mode is selected by the $MODE DELPHI switch. On the command-line,
>this mode is selected by the -Sd switch.
>1. You can not use the address operator to assign procedural variables.
>2. A forward declaration must not be repeated exactly the same by the
>   implementation of a function/procedure. In particular, you can not
>   omit the parameters when implementing the function or procedure.
>3. Overloading of functions is not allowed.
>This wasn't the whole listing, just up to item 3 which is the problem.
>We can't write in Delphi mode with FPC and use overloading.

Well then, considering that Delphi, now, have implementation of overloading,
what about to intend to modify the $MODE DELPHI switch so that overloading
still be possible. That should'n cause compatibity probleme IMHO.

Vital Tremblay
vital at videotron.ca

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