[lazarus] Q: CreateWnd, CreateHandle, HandleNeeded: which to override

Stefan Hille stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org
Sat Dec 25 19:58:27 EST 1999


I just started to update TTrackbar & TProgressbar to the new interface
but I'm not sure how to do things.
Currently both crash whenever the first action takes place which needs the
instantiated object, which has not been created at that time. Since I don't
know the new functions in detail I'd like to know:

- which of the above methots have to be overriden?
- Is it neccessary to call HandleNeeded in every method which requires
  the object instance?
- What about BeginUpdate / EndUpdate methods?

BTW: When updating my system I noticed that some stuff has moved to
     the packages directory which has to checked out from cvs. Could
     somebody please update web-pages accordingly.



Stefan Hille          email: stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org 
48155 Muenster	      voice: 0251/664695 

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