[lazarus] Won't work in 32 bit now

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Thu Dec 30 08:06:55 EST 1999

At 17:20 29-12-99 , you wrote:
>+ From: Michael A. Hess [mailto:mhess at miraclec.com]
>+ Marc,
>+ I just wanted to let you know that the code will not work in
>+ 32 bit now even when changing the setting in bitmap.inc.
>+ It will only work if you change your environment to use 8 bits.
>??? Yesterday I tested the 32bits mode on another winXserver than the one I
>usually use and that worked.
>I'll look afer it tomorrow.
I also never had a problem with a X server. Both X servers i've running 
(laptop and desktop) run with different depths and doesn't have a problem


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