[lazarus] An alternative to CVS - OpenAvenue.com

Thomas R. Wilk Tom_Wilk at compuserve.com
Fri Jul 2 13:23:07 EDT 1999


Although I am new to the open source movement, and hence do not want to
overstep my bounds.... I would like to suggest that the Lazarus team
consider using the FREE services of newly formed OpenAvenue.com
(http://www.openave.com).   OpenAvenue is headed up by former Borland
employee (Jason Minard) and offers free SCM hosting of open source
projects.  OpenAvenue uses StarTeam (http://www.starbase.com) technology.  
I'm no CVS expert, but it seems to be a more advanced collaboration
soluition then CVS and email.

Surf on over and check it out!

Tom Wilk
Tom_Wilk at compuserve.com

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