[RE: [lazarus] Components:]

Baeseman, Cliff Cliff.Baeseman at greenheck.com
Fri Jul 16 10:39:41 EDT 1999

This is something I have not even tried to tackle yet so I can provide
little input here. It will affect Shane first because he is working TCanvas


-----Original Message-----
From: P Jean dit Bailleul [mailto:jeanditbailleulp at em.agr.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 1999 7:22 AM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: Re: [RE: [lazarus] Components:]

At 23:49 15/07/99 +0200, you wrote:
>At 17:45 15-7-99 , you wrote:
>>P Jean dit Bailleul wrote:
>> >
>> > I've some code in C to read/write BMP file. Do you want it?
>>If you could turn it into Pascal code that would be great.
>Why don't we add a possibility with using (gdk_)imlib under linux? That 
>will allow a lot of bitmap types and even caching of them.

My code support OS2 and Windows 4, 8, 16 and 24 bits bitmaps either
grayscaled or color. I'm still having troubles with palettes. Since the
code will be in the Lazarus, it will *just* require a recompilation to run
under any platform.
Using imlib will require adaptation from platform to platform, And i don't
know GTK (and haven't planed to learn GTK soon).

Cliff or Micheal, what are you choosing?


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