[lazarus] Delphi/TSE, Lazarus/X

Chris G. Royle cgr at dialabed.co.za
Wed Jul 21 12:06:00 EDT 1999


As a very interested lurker, I would like to congratulate the Lazarus Team -
well done, can't wait for version 1.

I am currently designing an application under Delphi, which will probably
use NT Terminal Server to run remote sites over a WAN. The Delphi app
accesses an Interbase Server on Linux.

I am hoping to use Lazarus to port my app to Linux, and use X windows for
the remote sessions. I would also use PostGreSQL as the SQL server. Being
new to Linux, I am not sure if this is possible. Does the GTK / Lazarus have
the remote x functionality, and do remote X sessions perform close to their
Terminal Server counterparts ?

I realise that this is a difficult question to answer, and possibly
pre-mature - but I would prefer not to pass on too much more money to Bill

Any comments in this regard would be welcome


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