[lazarus] Unrelated to current discussion, but soon to be important...

P Jean dit Bailleul jeanditbailleulp at em.agr.ca
Thu Jul 22 08:12:29 EDT 1999

At 18:25 21/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I am doing what work I can under Win32 (for a little while longer, just got
>my RH6 CD) and I run into this problem constantly...
>The command lines built by the make files frequently exceed the command
>line length limit for win32.  The worst offender so far is the hello_world
>test app.  Example:
>ppc386.exe -Twin32   -Fue:/pp/source/rtl/win32 -Fue:/pp/source/units/win32
>/fcl/win32 -Fu../rtl -Fu../gtk -Fu../lazarus -FE.  -di386 hello_world.pp
>Free Pascal Compiler version 0.99.13 [1999/07/16] for i386
>Copyright (c) 1993-98 by Florian Klaempfl
>Target OS: Win32 for i386
>Compiling h
>Fatal: Can't open file h
>make.exe: *** [hello_world.exe] Error 1
>Notice the "Compiling h" line.  The "ello_world.pp" part is completely
>clipped off.  
>Is there anything that can be done about this?

Under NT, put all the option in a cmd file, then
PPC386 <MyCmd.cmd FileToCompile.pp
should work. I think this can also work with Win 4.x (9..), but i've never
try (I don't have any of them).


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