[lazarus] FW: [fpc-pascal] NEW - GraphiX 2.00 for FreePascal
Curtis White
osiriz at teleport.com
Tue Jul 27 17:30:04 EDT 1999
Just in case other people aren't subscribed to the fpc mailing list. This one
just came across today. Might be useful in some of the stuff we build for
Lazarus. If nothing else, it could be great for people to use in their
applications they build with Lazarus :-)
-----FW: <379DE509.D71EEEEF at gmx.at>-----
G r a p h i X - Freeware Graphics-Library for FreePascal
for FreePascal 0.99.12 / DOS-GO32V2
| W H A T ' S N E W ? |
NEW !!! - G X I M E F F - GraphiX Image EFFects - Unit
alpha: value between 0 and 255 which
represents a real-number between 0.0 and 1.0
[...] the brackets represent an image
# blendimageALPHA
[destination] = [image] * alpha
# blendimageALPHAcolor
[destination] = color + ( [image] - color ) * alpha
# blendimageALPHAimage
[destination] = [image1] + ( [image2] - [image1] ) * alpha
Blending with a Mask
color - value depends on the current graphics mode
[mask]: is just an image, but the image is used as alphamask
[...] the brackets represent an image
# blendimageMASK
[destination] = [image] * [mask]
# blendimageMASKcolor
[destination] = color + ( [image] - color ) * [mask]
# blendimageMASKimage
[destination] = [image1] + ( [image2] - [image1] ) * [mask]
Binary Operation on an Image with Color
# imageADDcolor
[destination] = [image] + color (with warp-around)
# imageSUBcolor
[destination] = [image] - color (with warp-around)
# imageANDcolor
[destination] = [image] AND color (bitwise operation)
# imageORpcolor
[destination] = [image] OR color (bitwise operation)
# imageXORcolor
[destination] = [image] XOR color (bitwise operation)
Binary Operation on an Image with another Image
# imageADDimage
[destination] = [image1] + [image2] (with warp-around}
# imageSUBimage
[destination] = [image1] - [image2] (with warp-around}
# imageANDimage
[destination] = [image1] AND [image2] (bitwise operation)
# imageORpimage
[destination] = [image1] OR [image2] (bitwise operation)
# imageXORimage
[destination] = [image1] XOR [image2] (bitwise operation)
Other Image Rountines
# fillimage - fills image with color
# flipimageH - flips image horizontally
# flipimageV - flips image vertically
# scaleimage - scales image up or down
# composeimage - merges two images
# composeimageC - merges two images with transparent color
Update - G R A P H I X - Unit
# lineV - draws vertical lines
# 8x8 Pattern-Support
lineH, lineV,
bar, barXOR,
fillcircle, fillellipse
polygon, multipolygon
with the pattern support there are new functions introduced
# setfillstyle - sets the fillstyle (and pattern)
# createpattern - a function which simplifies creating pattern
# removepattern - ... and the inverse function
Update - G X I M A G E - Unit
# SaveImageBMP - Images can be saved as 24bit-BMPs
# SaveImageTGA - Images can be saved as 24bit-TGAs
With these function it's very easy to make screenshots
# CreateImageWH - 'Create Image with Width and Height'
Another Image-Creation function which
is very usefull in combination with GXIMEFF
| D O W N L O A D |
| http://programmierer.freepage.de/graphix |
NOTE: The Borland Pascal Version of
GraphiX (ver 7.31) is still available
| Michael Knapp - Mauerbach - Niederösterreich - Austria - Europe |
| Informatik-Student an der TU-Wien - http://www.tuwien.ac.at |
| E-Mail: mknapp at gmx.at ICQ: 36542787 |
| G r a p h i X - Freeware Graphics-Library for Pascal |
| http://programmierer.freepage.de/graphix |
| Michael Knapp - Mauerbach - Niederösterreich - Austria - Europe |
| Informatik-Student an der TU-Wien - http://www.tuwien.ac.at |
| E-Mail: mknapp at gmx.at ICQ: 36542787 |
| G r a p h i X - Freeware Graphics-Library for Pascal |
| http://programmierer.freepage.de/graphix |
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal at vekoll.saturnus.vein.hu
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