[lazarus] cycling fpc on win98

Vincent Snijders vrs at dds.nl
Thu Nov 18 14:58:12 EST 1999

Is anybody able to cycle the compiler on a windows machine. Since last week
or so I get the following error on cycling the compiler:

ppc386.exe -Fue:\pp/rtl/win32 -Fue:\pp/units/win32 -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE.
e:\pp/units/win32 -di386 -I../inc/graph ../inc/graph/graph.pp
Fatal: Can't open file ..\inc\graph\graph.
make.exe[1]: *** [graph.ppw] Error 1

The problem seems to be the command line limatation on windows 98. When I
compile lazarus I use
make -n > junk.bat
call junk.bat
but that trick doesn't seem to work (make -n cycle > junk.bat; etc...).

Is there another way around this problem?

Vincent Snijders

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