[lazarus] Editor

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Wed Oct 20 01:36:00 EDT 1999

OK, I created the directory structure that you specified in CVS and checked in
all the mwEdit files that I have been working on. I have been working to get
the mwEditSearch.pas file to compile tonight and have it close to compiling,
but not quite there yet.

Now that it is checked in, anyone can work on getting it to compile. If anyone
decides to work on it, just make sure that you don't break the code from
working in Windows. I have actually done this myself, but I will fix it
tomorrow evening. In the places where I put in code for MWE_LAZ_FIX_LATER, I
should have enclosed it in {$IFDEF MWE_FPC} as follows:


If we do it this way, then it will continue to work in Windows. I need to fix
these tomorrow evening. Other than that, it is just a matter of compiling and
where it stops, adding either the code above or fixing the problem in the LCL.

Then when we have everything compiling, we can just define MWE_LAZ_FIX_LATER in
the mwedit.inc unit and the compiler will show us all the broken code that we
need to find a way to do in the LCL.

Also, I created a Makefile for the component. So you should be able to just do
a make in the mwedit directory to build the code.


On 20-Oct-99 Shane Miller wrote:
> I say create a directory called components, then a subdirectory uder that
> called mwedit so it looks like this
> fpc----
>          lazarus----
>                          components---
>                                                   mwedit---

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