[lazarus] FPC Manuals for testing

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Thu Oct 28 19:41:35 EDT 1999

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Because the pages are a bit wide, I scroll the horizontal scrolbar a
> bit, so the white margin on both sides are scrolled out of  screen.

The build I have used generated output with a 120% enlargement to
content. I did this because some of the text is very small and if I used
100% it was virtually unreadable. Anything more than 120% and the page
is too wide requireing tooooo much scrolling.

If you are using 1024x768 or better it doesn't require much if any
scrolling. Since most of the developers here are what I would consider
power users I assume they are already using screen rez of that size.

> But when I move to the next page, the scrollbar is at the left side
> again and I see only the left side of the page.
> When view de pdf-file with acrobat 4, the scrollbar remains on the
> same position and once set I don't have to move it.
> I don't know if this can be fixed, but it would make it easier to use
> with smaller screens.

I'm afraid not. This window is simply an HTML frame which is being
loaded with a new HTML page. When a browser loads a new page it resets
things such as scroll bars because the new page might not even need
scroll bars. So what happens is that the browser is just throwing away
your positioning since that was the positioning for the previous page
and not for the new page.

I don't even think you can trap or read scroll bar positioning in the
browser with JavaScript.  :-\

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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