Snapshot, unit dependencies and win32 problems (was: Re: [lazarus] Lazarus stable developer release?)

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at
Thu Apr 13 05:22:46 EDT 2000

Marc Weustink wrote:
> At 17:57 12-04-2000 -0400, Michael A. Hess wrote:
> >Any opinions?
> >
> >Should we create what we could call a release snapshot of the source?
> I don't know. There are to many things changing to fast. Creating a source
> snapshot with a binary compiler makes most sense.
> A binary snapshot won't work, because of the dependency problems a
> mentioned earlier, you will need the source to use the LCL units.

Yesterday, I'll tried to build the win32 version to trace down
the dependencies problem, but I ran
into some trouble when compling mwedit: 
the units windows and classes declare both a type TPOINT. The
classes type TPOINT hides that one of windows, so you
get type mismatches if you call a windows function with this
TPOINT. This applies to more type e.g. TRECT

I think the easiest solution ís to define TPOINT in classes
only if the target isn't win32 else tpoint=windows.tpoint

> Maybe another idea, to give one something clickable:
> I think I can manage to get a nightly build of lazarus, and upload this
> somewhere (together maybe with the used sources and binary compiler).

At least a lazarus binary would be nice, that's what the people want to see.
the compiler is generated at 0:00 GMT, so if you're starting the 
download of a new compiler and rtl etc at 1:00 GMT it should be no problem.

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