[lazarus] TListbox Selected bug fixed

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu Feb 24 10:20:34 EST 2000

thanks for the fix.  I see the Edit's bug.  It's pretty cool.

In TEdit, when you set it's text property you call SetText.  Settext set's FCaption then calls LM_SETTEXT in gtkObject.inc

in GTKObject.inc it checks TControl(Sender).Caption and calls the gtk_entry_set_text(value).  Looks fine but when you look at TControl(Sender).Caption it calls GetText and gettext calls LM_GetText which doees a gtk_entry_get_text and returns that value.  So, you are returning Edit's curent value into the settext procedure so you are basically never changing it.

I'll fix it....

>>> mbukovjan at netscape.net 02/24/00 03:07AM >>>
As in subject, its commited in CVS. I wonder how could it work for me
before... maybe GTK changed internally. Anyway, now it is somewhat cleaner.

Still there is another bug in TEdit, which prevents what Shane intended, but
now I'm at work, so I cannot work on Lazarus :-(

Have fun,

Michal Bukovjan

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