[lazarus] how to...

Jean SUZINEAU Jean.Suzineau at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jul 3 10:06:40 EDT 2000

I experience a similar problem.
I put at http://www.mars42.com/trace.txt the output I get
with a  make clean; make ide OPT=-dTRACE
In ddd, I found that the exception occurs in TComponent constructor,
at fpc/fcl/inc/compon.inc.
I haven't found yet a way to display the call stack in ddd (is it 
possible ?), here is a call stack written by hand:
TComponent.Create    compon.inc:355
TMenu.Create menu.inc:13
TMainMenu.Create mainmenu.inc:13
TForm1.LoadMainMenu main.pp:670
TForm1.Create main.pp:202
TApplication.CreateForm application.inc:220
(Application.CreateForm( TForm1, Form1)) lazarus.pp:55 

I updated from cvs this morning before compiling. 

Marc Weustink a écrit :
> At 00:29 02-07-2000 +0200, Pavlovic Ivan wrote:
> >Here's the error message I keep getting:
> >
> >ERROR: [TgtkObject.CreateFontIndirect] No fontname
> >An unhandled exception occurred at 0x080C59BB :
> >Access violation
> >   0x080C59BB
> >   0x00000000
> >
> >What should I do to fix it?
> pfew... I'm not sure if the problems are related. The missing fontname is
> indeed an error and the reason for that is known. The code around it can
> handle it and should not dump.
> A few questions;
> - does the problem persis if you use xfs instead of xfstt
> - Do you have the latest sources of lazarus (I assume you did, but it wasnt
> clear from your previous message)
> - can you remake lazarus with the trace option and look if the output is
> different ?
>    make clean
>    make ide OPT=-dTRACE
> Marc
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