[lazarus] RTL bug ?? TObject.FieldAddres

Sebastian Günther sguenther at gmx.de
Fri Jul 7 16:49:52 EDT 2000

Marc Weustink wrote:

> Besides this, maybe an idea to prevent unnecesary lookups and check if name
> <> '' in TObject.FieldAddress

Would be possible, of course, but this case (name='') is extremely

> + This seems to be a problem with virtual constructors again. Marcs
> + example gives the following values here:
> Maybe it is, while debugging I had troubles inspecting member vars.

Checking objects is simple: When you dump an object in GDB, you should
get zero as result when you add the both values of the _vptr record. If
this is not the case, then either the object is corrupt or the object
pointer passed is wrong.

- Sebastian

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