[lazarus] TSpeedbutton's

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue May 9 10:44:20 EDT 2000

+ From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]
+ Argh,

[--8<-- SNIP --8<-- SNIP --8<-- SNIP --8<--]

+ I continue to get MOUSEMOVE meassages until I leave the
+ button.  After I leave, I no longer get the messages so I no
+ longer can set it UP again.

If I recall it correctly you've set the MouseCapture on the button down.
This way you always get mouseevents regardingless where you are.

So the moment you get a mouse move *Outside* the control you can set up and
release the mousecapture.

+ I'm confused and tired of looking at this.  Can someone else
+ please take a look and see what I'm doing wrong.

Don't know if Capturing already is implemented, if not I'll look at it.

+ Do I need to send a WMCANCELMODE message to set the button up?



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