AW: [lazarus] LFM Files

Sebastian Günther sguenther at
Thu Oct 12 15:12:59 EDT 2000

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> I am glad to hear that LFM = DFM, since the format is simple and clear.

Not really, it's a big mess in fact, and might cause a lot of troubles
with future platforms (especially 64 bit OSses). I personally recommend
to use XML streaming instead, and I already started it, but it's not
finished yet.

> Please mail me your description of the format.

Do you still need it after the recent discussion...? No problem, but I
would have to spend at least 2 minutes on locating the file on my
harddisk :)

> BTW, for what is your streaming code? Is it part of the free pascal compiler
> or is it for lazarus?

You will never see me coding anything for Lazarus ;)  It's part of the
FCL (which is in turn a basic component of the Free Pascal
distribution), and the term 'streaming' refers to persistence of
objects, i.e. the saving of the state of one or more objects into a
stream and retrieving the state back from a stream.

[or in German to be really precise, sorry other folks: 'Streaming ist
der Vorgang, wenn der Zustand von Objekten in eine Datei (einen Stream)
gesichert wird, und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder hergestellt wird.
Sozusagen das Laden und Speichern von Objekten.']

- Sebastian

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