[lazarus] Compiling lazarus in win98,

Compulife cbruner at compulife.com
Wed Sep 20 21:18:57 EDT 2000

OK, my problems of the past stemmed from trying to compile lazarus using the
cygwin environment. For those who don't know, it makes windows look more
like unix...  However the make file wasn't fooled. It knew it was DOS!  So I
tried compiling in Dos and got farther. This got the make file making for
target of win32 for i386. Close enough I say!

Now onto the next problem.  After compiling several screenfuls of messages
(mostly hints about static libraries, but also the "could not open the
buttons.ppw" etc messages). It came to

Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling lazarus.pp
interfacebase.pp(31,8) Fatal: Can't find unit INTERFACEBASE
make.exe[1]: *** [lazarus.exe] Error 1
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/lazarus'
make.exe: *** [ide] Error 2

OK, I'm feeling really green right now. I'm a good delphi/c/C++ programmer,
but I come from the windows world, and I'm having a hard time understanding
how to configure this stuff.  I noticed that the ppc386.cfg had paths that
referred to $Target, I also noticed that the make file exported $Target_OS,
yet it seems to find the right OS, so I don't get it.

Should I be reading more manuals....

Best Regards,

Chris Bruner
cbruner at ionline.net

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