[lazarus] Problems compiling Lazarus under Win
Marc Geldon
marcgeldon at web.de
Wed Apr 11 18:45:37 EDT 2001
I've got problems compiling Lazarus under Windows 98. In this email I have attached an logfile of the make-ing.
Best regards,
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c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C lcl all
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl'
rm -f ./units/allunits.ppw
ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD allunits.pp
Note: Reading further options from (env) FPCEXTCMD
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.5 [2001/01/15] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling allunits.pp
Compiling interfacebase.pp
Compiling lcllinux.pp
Compiling vclglobals.pp
Compiling .\interfaces\abstract\interfaces.pp
Compiling interfacebase.pp
Compiling controls.pp
Compiling graphics.pp
Compiling lmessages.pp
graphics.pp(320,6) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by TGRAPHIC.CREATE
Compiling controls.pp
Compiling imglist.pp
imglist.inc(57,35) Hint: Parameter IMAGE not used
imglist.inc(267,72) Hint: Parameter ENABLED not used
imglist.inc(332,52) Hint: Parameter IMAGE not used
imglist.inc(420,3) Note: Local variable N not used
imglist.inc(420,6) Note: Local variable NCOUNT not used
imglist.inc(421,3) Note: Local variable I not used
imglist.inc(421,6) Note: Local variable M not used
imglist.inc(422,3) Note: Local variable DR not used
imglist.inc(422,7) Note: Local variable SR not used
imglist.inc(418,58) Hint: Parameter MASK not used
imglist.inc(498,55) Hint: Parameter IMAGE not used
imglist.inc(649,56) Hint: Parameter IMAGE not used
imglist.inc(669,58) Hint: Parameter NEWIMAGE not used
imglist.inc(669,77) Hint: Parameter MASKCOLOR not used
Compiling utrace.pp
Compiling menus.pp
Compiling .\interfaces\abstract\interfaces.pp
Compiling interfacebase.pp
Compiling controls.pp
Compiling forms.pp
Compiling buttons.pp
Compiling stdctrls.pp
customcombobox.inc(135,40) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
customcombobox.inc(319,43) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
custommemo.inc(10,30) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
customedit.inc(85,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
scrollbar.inc(188,46) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
memostrings.inc(100,3) Note: Local variable ST not used
buttoncontrol.inc(9,37) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
stdctrls.pp(508,17) Hint: Local type TSELECTION is not used
stdctrls.pp(543,4) Note: Local variable ACOLORS not used
stdctrls.pp(544,4) Note: Local variable COLORNUM not used
Compiling messages.pp
buttonglyph.inc(34,72) Hint: Parameter OFFSET not used
buttonglyph.inc(35,13) Hint: Parameter CAPTION not used
buttonglyph.inc(35,30) Hint: Parameter LAYOUT not used
buttonglyph.inc(35,53) Hint: Parameter MARGIN not used
buttonglyph.inc(35,61) Hint: Parameter SPACING not used
buttonglyph.inc(36,28) Hint: Parameter TRANSPARENT not used
buttonglyph.inc(36,50) Hint: Parameter BIDIFLAGS not used
speedbutton.inc(209,37) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
speedbutton.inc(229,3) Note: Local variable R not used
speedbutton.inc(469,45) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
buttons.pp(52,5) Note: Private field TBUTTON.FOWNER is never used
buttons.pp(53,5) Note: Private field TBUTTON.FONPRESSED is never used
buttons.pp(54,5) Note: Private field TBUTTON.FONRELEASED is never used
buttons.pp(57,5) Note: Private field TBUTTON.FONRESIZE is never used
Compiling .\interfaces\abstract\interfaces.pp
Compiling interfacebase.pp
interfacebase.inc(12,32) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
interfacebase.inc(12,45) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(12,48) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(12,51) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(12,58) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(12,75) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
interfacebase.inc(12,87) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(12,93) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(12,108) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
interfacebase.inc(17,40) Hint: Parameter HHK not used
interfacebase.inc(17,53) Hint: Parameter NCODE not used
interfacebase.inc(17,70) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(17,78) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(22,40) Hint: Parameter LPPREVWNDFUNC not used
interfacebase.inc(22,66) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(23,3) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
interfacebase.inc(23,15) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(23,33) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(28,40) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(28,59) Hint: Parameter P not used
interfacebase.inc(33,38) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(33,45) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(33,62) Hint: Parameter PLANES not used
interfacebase.inc(33,70) Hint: Parameter BITCOUNT not used
interfacebase.inc(33,89) Hint: Parameter BITMAPBITS not used
interfacebase.inc(38,51) Hint: Parameter LOGBRUSH not used
interfacebase.inc(43,37) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(43,52) Hint: Parameter BITMAP not used
interfacebase.inc(43,70) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(43,77) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(48,48) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(48,57) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(48,64) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(53,44) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(58,50) Hint: Parameter LOGFONT not used
interfacebase.inc(63,49) Hint: Parameter LOGPEN not used
interfacebase.inc(68,52) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
interfacebase.inc(68,73) Hint: Parameter TRANSCOLOR not used
interfacebase.inc(73,39) Hint: Parameter X1 not used
interfacebase.inc(73,42) Hint: Parameter Y1 not used
interfacebase.inc(73,45) Hint: Parameter X2 not used
interfacebase.inc(73,48) Hint: Parameter Y2 not used
interfacebase.inc(78,34) Hint: Parameter HDC not used
interfacebase.inc(83,38) Hint: Parameter GDIOBJECT not used
interfacebase.inc(93,42) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(93,55) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(93,69) Hint: Parameter UTYPE not used
interfacebase.inc(93,76) Hint: Parameter USTATE not used
interfacebase.inc(98,34) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(98,47) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(98,60) Hint: Parameter EDGE not used
interfacebase.inc(98,76) Hint: Parameter GRFFLAGS not used
interfacebase.inc(108,40) Hint: Parameter HMENU not used
interfacebase.inc(108,54) Hint: Parameter UIDENABLEITEM not used
interfacebase.inc(108,78) Hint: Parameter BENABLE not used
interfacebase.inc(113,41) Hint: Parameter WND not used
interfacebase.inc(113,52) Hint: Parameter WSBFLAGS not used
interfacebase.inc(113,62) Hint: Parameter WARROWS not used
interfacebase.inc(118,38) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(118,50) Hint: Parameter BENABLE not used
interfacebase.inc(123,36) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(123,45) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(123,48) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(123,60) Hint: Parameter OPTIONS not used
interfacebase.inc(123,78) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(123,91) Hint: Parameter STR not used
interfacebase.inc(123,103) Hint: Parameter COUNT not used
interfacebase.inc(123,119) Hint: Parameter DX not used
interfacebase.inc(128,34) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(128,49) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(128,62) Hint: Parameter BRUSH not used
interfacebase.inc(144,41) Hint: Parameter LPPOINT not used
interfacebase.inc(149,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(149,58) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(155,42) Hint: Parameter LPPOINT not used
interfacebase.inc(160,42) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(160,51) Hint: Parameter P2 not used
interfacebase.inc(160,55) Hint: Parameter P3 not used
interfacebase.inc(160,71) Hint: Parameter ABCSTRUCTS not used
interfacebase.inc(165,31) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(175,37) Hint: Parameter NVIRTKEY not used
interfacebase.inc(180,35) Hint: Parameter GDIOBJECT not used
interfacebase.inc(180,55) Hint: Parameter BUFSIZE not used
interfacebase.inc(180,73) Hint: Parameter BUF not used
interfacebase.inc(185,35) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(190,33) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(190,48) Hint: Parameter STR not used
interfacebase.inc(195,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(195,53) Hint: Parameter BARFLAG not used
interfacebase.inc(195,75) Hint: Parameter SCROLLINFO not used
interfacebase.inc(200,40) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
interfacebase.inc(205,37) Hint: Parameter NINDEX not used
interfacebase.inc(210,42) Hint: Parameter NINDEX not used
interfacebase.inc(215,44) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(215,53) Hint: Parameter STR not used
interfacebase.inc(215,65) Hint: Parameter COUNT not used
interfacebase.inc(215,85) Hint: Parameter SIZE not used
interfacebase.inc(220,40) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(220,53) Hint: Parameter TM not used
interfacebase.inc(225,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(225,54) Hint: Parameter INT not used
interfacebase.inc(230,40) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(230,54) Hint: Parameter P not used
interfacebase.inc(235,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(235,58) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(240,35) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(245,40) Hint: Parameter AHANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(245,56) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
interfacebase.inc(245,70) Hint: Parameter BERASE not used
interfacebase.inc(251,36) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(251,49) Hint: Parameter UIDEVENT not used
interfacebase.inc(256,32) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(256,41) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(256,44) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(261,36) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(261,48) Hint: Parameter LPTEXT not used
interfacebase.inc(261,56) Hint: Parameter LPCAPTION not used
interfacebase.inc(261,74) Hint: Parameter UTYPE not used
interfacebase.inc(266,33) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
interfacebase.inc(266,46) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(266,49) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(266,52) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(266,59) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(266,76) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
interfacebase.inc(266,88) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(266,94) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(266,109) Hint: Parameter MASK not used
interfacebase.inc(266,124) Hint: Parameter XMASK not used
interfacebase.inc(266,131) Hint: Parameter YMASK not used
interfacebase.inc(266,147) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
interfacebase.inc(271,34) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(271,43) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(271,46) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(271,58) Hint: Parameter OLDPOINT not used
interfacebase.inc(276,37) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(276,49) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
interfacebase.inc(276,64) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(276,81) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(281,41) Hint: Parameter LPMSG not used
interfacebase.inc(281,55) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(281,70) Hint: Parameter WMSGFILTERMIN not used
interfacebase.inc(281,85) Hint: Parameter WMSGFILTERMAX not used
interfacebase.inc(281,99) Hint: Parameter WREMOVEMSG not used
interfacebase.inc(286,40) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(291,35) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(291,44) Hint: Parameter X1 not used
interfacebase.inc(291,48) Hint: Parameter Y1 not used
interfacebase.inc(291,52) Hint: Parameter X2 not used
interfacebase.inc(291,56) Hint: Parameter Y2 not used
interfacebase.inc(301,35) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(301,47) Hint: Parameter HDC not used
interfacebase.inc(306,35) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(306,44) Hint: Parameter SAVEDDC not used
interfacebase.inc(311,32) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(316,40) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(316,59) Hint: Parameter P not used
interfacebase.inc(322,40) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(322,52) Hint: Parameter DX not used
interfacebase.inc(322,56) Hint: Parameter DY not used
interfacebase.inc(322,69) Hint: Parameter PRCSCROLL not used
interfacebase.inc(322,80) Hint: Parameter PRCCLIP not used
interfacebase.inc(322,96) Hint: Parameter HRGNUPDATE not used
interfacebase.inc(322,114) Hint: Parameter PRCUPDATE not used
interfacebase.inc(322,132) Hint: Parameter FLAGS not used
interfacebase.inc(327,38) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(327,47) Hint: Parameter GDIOBJ not used
interfacebase.inc(332,39) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(332,48) Hint: Parameter PALETTE not used
interfacebase.inc(332,67) Hint: Parameter FORCEBACKGROUND not used
interfacebase.inc(337,37) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(337,49) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
interfacebase.inc(337,64) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(337,81) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
interfacebase.inc(342,36) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(342,45) Hint: Parameter COLOR not used
interfacebase.inc(347,35) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(347,44) Hint: Parameter BKMODE not used
interfacebase.inc(353,36) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
interfacebase.inc(358,37) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(358,40) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(363,34) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(368,33) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(368,47) Hint: Parameter STR not used
interfacebase.inc(368,60) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
interfacebase.inc(373,73) Hint: Parameter SCROLLINFO not used
interfacebase.inc(373,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(373,54) Hint: Parameter SBSTYLE not used
interfacebase.inc(373,98) Hint: Parameter REDRAW not used
interfacebase.inc(378,38) Hint: Parameter CELEMENTS not used
interfacebase.inc(378,64) Hint: Parameter LPAELEMENTS not used
interfacebase.inc(378,83) Hint: Parameter LPARGBVALUES not used
interfacebase.inc(383,47) Hint: Parameter _HDC not used
interfacebase.inc(383,59) Hint: Parameter NCHAREXTRA not used
interfacebase.inc(389,38) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(389,47) Hint: Parameter COLOR not used
interfacebase.inc(394,34) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(394,46) Hint: Parameter NIDEVENT not used
interfacebase.inc(394,56) Hint: Parameter UELAPSE not used
interfacebase.inc(394,74) Hint: Parameter LPTIMERFUNC not used
interfacebase.inc(399,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(399,53) Hint: Parameter IDX not used
interfacebase.inc(399,67) Hint: Parameter NEWLONG not used
interfacebase.inc(404,40) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(404,50) Hint: Parameter NEWX not used
interfacebase.inc(404,56) Hint: Parameter NEWY not used
interfacebase.inc(404,76) Hint: Parameter LPPOINT not used
interfacebase.inc(409,38) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(409,50) Hint: Parameter HWNDINSERTAFTER not used
interfacebase.inc(410,8) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(410,11) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(410,14) Hint: Parameter CX not used
interfacebase.inc(410,18) Hint: Parameter CY not used
interfacebase.inc(410,31) Hint: Parameter UFLAGS not used
interfacebase.inc(415,35) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
interfacebase.inc(420,39) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
interfacebase.inc(420,53) Hint: Parameter WBAR not used
interfacebase.inc(420,68) Hint: Parameter BSHOW not used
interfacebase.inc(425,36) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
interfacebase.inc(425,49) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(425,52) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(425,55) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(425,62) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(425,79) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
interfacebase.inc(425,91) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(425,97) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(425,103) Hint: Parameter SRCWIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(425,113) Hint: Parameter SRCHEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(425,133) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
interfacebase.inc(430,40) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
interfacebase.inc(430,53) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(430,56) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(430,59) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(430,66) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(430,83) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
interfacebase.inc(430,95) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(430,101) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
interfacebase.inc(430,107) Hint: Parameter SRCWIDTH not used
interfacebase.inc(430,117) Hint: Parameter SRCHEIGHT not used
interfacebase.inc(430,137) Hint: Parameter MASK not used
interfacebase.inc(430,152) Hint: Parameter XMASK not used
interfacebase.inc(430,159) Hint: Parameter YMASK not used
interfacebase.inc(430,175) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
interfacebase.inc(435,33) Hint: Parameter DC not used
interfacebase.inc(435,42) Hint: Parameter X not used
interfacebase.inc(435,44) Hint: Parameter Y not used
interfacebase.inc(435,57) Hint: Parameter STR not used
interfacebase.inc(435,70) Hint: Parameter COUNT not used
interfacebase.inc(441,41) Hint: Parameter POINT not used
Compiling lresources.pp
forms.pp(336,18) Hint: Parameter VK not used
forms.pp(336,35) Hint: Parameter STR not used
customform.inc(190,38) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
customform.inc(421,3) Note: Local variable SAVEINDEX not used
customform.inc(423,3) Note: Local variable CANVAS2 not used
customform.inc(424,3) Note: Local variable DC not used
customform.inc(636,55) Hint: Parameter NUM not used
customform.inc(735,5) Note: Local variable I not used
customform.inc(790,40) Hint: Parameter CONTROL not used
customform.inc(799,35) Hint: Parameter CHILD not used
customform.inc(799,57) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
customform.inc(874,1) Note: Local variable I not used
application.inc(100,41) Hint: Parameter CONTROL not used
application.inc(100,65) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
application.inc(200,36) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
forms.pp(302,19) Hint: Unit STDCTRLS not used in FORMS
forms.pp(59,5) Note: Private field TSCROLLINGWINCONTROL.FHORZSCROLLBAR is never used
forms.pp(60,5) Note: Private field TSCROLLINGWINCONTROL.FVERTSCROLLBAR is never used
forms.pp(61,5) Note: Private field TSCROLLINGWINCONTROL.FAUTOSCROLL is never used
Compiling dialogs.pp
messagedialogs.inc(199,47) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
messagedialogs.inc(204,61) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
messagedialogs.inc(176,4) Note: Local variable LABELLEFT is assigned but never used
messagedialogs.inc(252,88) Hint: Parameter HELPCTX not used
messagedialogs.inc(261,109) Hint: Parameter X not used
messagedialogs.inc(261,112) Hint: Parameter Y not used
messagedialogs.inc(269,113) Hint: Parameter X not used
messagedialogs.inc(269,116) Hint: Parameter Y not used
messagedialogs.inc(269,134) Hint: Parameter HELPFILENAME not used
messagedialogs.inc(286,46) Hint: Parameter X not used
messagedialogs.inc(286,49) Hint: Parameter Y not used
Writing Resource String Table file: .\units\dialogs.rst
controls.pp(901,47) Hint: Parameter IMMEDIATE not used
controls.pp(916,3) Note: Local variable STARTPOS not used
controls.pp(944,18) Hint: Parameter P not used
controls.pp(971,20) Hint: Parameter DROP not used
wincontrol.inc(23,44) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
wincontrol.inc(269,42) Hint: Parameter PARAMS not used
wincontrol.inc(269,65) Hint: Parameter CONTROLCLASSNAME not used
wincontrol.inc(432,38) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
wincontrol.inc(544,3) Note: Local variable FRAMEBRUSH not used
wincontrol.inc(680,2) Note: Local variable KEYSTATE not used
wincontrol.inc(681,2) Note: Local variable WHEELMSG not used
wincontrol.inc(1037,35) Hint: Parameter REMOVING not used
wincontrol.inc(1141,19) Warning: Comment level 2 found
wincontrol.inc(1115,3) Note: Local variable NUM not used
wincontrol.inc(1232,50) Hint: Parameter PARENTWINDOW not used
wincontrol.inc(1319,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1336,38) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1354,3) Note: Local variable I not used
wincontrol.inc(1400,37) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1465,39) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1479,40) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1491,35) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1503,40) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1515,34) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1529,3) Note: Local variable BUTTON not used
wincontrol.inc(1911,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1929,45) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1941,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
wincontrol.inc(1955,35) Hint: Parameter ACONTROL not used
control.inc(92,32) Hint: Parameter M not used
control.inc(92,34) Hint: Parameter D not used
control.inc(129,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(139,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(157,37) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(167,37) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(179,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(208,30) Hint: Parameter TARGET not used
control.inc(208,47) Hint: Parameter X not used
control.inc(208,49) Hint: Parameter Y not used
control.inc(277,41) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
control.inc(277,56) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
control.inc(277,64) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
control.inc(328,29) Hint: Parameter SOURCE not used
control.inc(328,46) Hint: Parameter X not used
control.inc(328,48) Hint: Parameter Y not used
control.inc(328,61) Hint: Parameter STATE not used
control.inc(360,35) Hint: Parameter NEWWIDTH not used
control.inc(360,45) Hint: Parameter NEWHEIGHT not used
control.inc(490,32) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
control.inc(490,47) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
control.inc(490,55) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
control.inc(720,3) Hint: Local typed const BOOLTXT is not used
control.inc(776,3) Note: Local variable STR not used
control.inc(801,43) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(812,3) Note: Local variable RECT not used
control.inc(810,49) Hint: Parameter ISOPAQUE not used
control.inc(1003,36) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
control.inc(1111,1) Note: Local variable PARENTFORM not used
control.inc(1178,3) Note: Local variable PSTR not used
control.inc(1250,36) Hint: Parameter AOWNER not used
mouse.inc(30,31) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
dragobject.inc(21,32) Hint: Parameter TARGET not used
dragobject.inc(21,49) Hint: Parameter X not used
dragobject.inc(21,52) Hint: Parameter Y not used
dragobject.inc(21,64) Hint: Parameter ACCEPTED not used
dragobject.inc(31,38) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
dragobject.inc(85,55) Hint: Parameter X not used
dragobject.inc(85,58) Hint: Parameter Y not used
controls.pp(831,3) Note: Local variable DRAGSAVECURSOR not used
controls.pp(833,3) Note: Local variable DRAGTHRESHOLD is assigned but never used
control.inc(490,11) Hint: Local proc SENDDOCKNOTIFICATION is not used
controls.pp(583,5) Note: Private field TWINCONTROL.FDOCKSITE is never used
controls.pp(584,5) Note: Private field TWINCONTROL.FLASTCLIENTWIDTH is never used
controls.pp(585,5) Note: Private field TWINCONTROL.FLASTCLIENTHEIGHT is never used
controls.pp(587,5) Note: Private field TWINCONTROL.FUSEDOCKMANAGER is never used
controls.pp(364,5) Note: Private field TCONTROL.FDESKTOPFONT is never used
controls.pp(734,5) Note: Private field TGRAPHICCONTROL.FONPAINT is never used
menubar.inc(22,28) Hint: Parameter TITLE not used
menubar.inc(22,45) Hint: Parameter MENU not used
menu.inc(55,25) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
menu.inc(55,42) Hint: Parameter KIND not used
menuitem.inc(100,28) Hint: Parameter INDEX not used
menuitem.inc(138,35) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
menuitem.inc(288,33) Hint: Parameter REBUILD not used
menuitem.inc(300,28) Hint: Parameter ITEM not used
menus.pp(157,5) Note: Private field TMENUBAR.FMENU is never used
graphicsobject.inc(5,40) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
graphic.inc(21,28) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
picture.inc(266,28) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
bitmap.inc(5,26) Hint: Parameter SOURCE not used
bitmap.inc(10,24) Hint: Parameter ACANVAS not used
bitmap.inc(10,48) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
bitmap.inc(41,24) Hint: Parameter ATRANSPARENTCOLOR not used
bitmap.inc(87,40) Hint: Parameter INSTANCE not used
bitmap.inc(87,65) Hint: Parameter RESNAME not used
bitmap.inc(91,38) Hint: Parameter INSTANCE not used
bitmap.inc(91,57) Hint: Parameter RESID not used
bitmap.inc(108,28) Hint: Parameter NHANDLE not used
bitmap.inc(108,46) Hint: Parameter NPALLETTE not used
bitmap.inc(109,10) Hint: Parameter NDIB not used
bitmap.inc(109,30) Hint: Parameter OS2FORMAT not used
bitmap.inc(129,13) Hint: Local type PBITMAP is not used
bitmap.inc(172,12) Note: Local variable BMPWIDTH is assigned but never used
bitmap.inc(172,21) Note: Local variable BMPHEIGHT is assigned but never used
canvas.inc(11,29) Hint: Parameter DEST not used
canvas.inc(11,68) Hint: Parameter SRC not used
canvas.inc(11,43) Hint: Parameter INTERNALIMAGES not used
canvas.inc(12,3) Hint: Parameter TRANSPARENTCOLOR not used
canvas.inc(20,24) Hint: Parameter X not used
canvas.inc(20,26) Hint: Parameter Y not used
canvas.inc(20,39) Hint: Parameter GRAPHIC not used
canvas.inc(221,23) Hint: Parameter X not used
canvas.inc(221,25) Hint: Parameter Y not used
canvas.inc(221,27) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
canvas.inc(221,33) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
canvas.inc(221,40) Hint: Parameter ANGLE1 not used
canvas.inc(221,47) Hint: Parameter ANGLE2 not used
canvas.inc(279,33) Hint: Parameter POINTS not used
canvas.inc(353,32) Hint: Parameter ABRUSH not used
canvas.inc(369,31) Hint: Parameter AFONT not used
canvas.inc(385,30) Hint: Parameter APEN not used
pixmap.inc(5,40) Hint: Parameter INSTANCE not used
pixmap.inc(5,65) Hint: Parameter RESNAME not used
pixmap.inc(9,38) Hint: Parameter INSTANCE not used
pixmap.inc(9,57) Hint: Parameter RESID not used
pixmap.inc(13,47) Hint: Parameter SIZE not used
winapi.inc(409,23) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
winapi.inc(409,35) Hint: Parameter HWNDINSERTAFTER not used
winapi.inc(410,8) Hint: Parameter X not used
winapi.inc(410,11) Hint: Parameter Y not used
winapi.inc(410,14) Hint: Parameter CX not used
winapi.inc(410,18) Hint: Parameter CY not used
winapi.inc(410,31) Hint: Parameter UFLAGS not used
winapi.inc(458,47) Hint: Parameter STYLE1 not used
winapi.inc(458,82) Hint: Parameter STYLE2 not used
winapi.inc(475,40) Hint: Parameter PS not used
winapi.inc(493,24) Hint: Parameter PSTR not used
winapi.inc(493,38) Hint: Parameter LEN not used
winapi.inc(572,26) Hint: Parameter DC not used
winapi.inc(572,35) Hint: Parameter LEFT not used
winapi.inc(572,40) Hint: Parameter TOP not used
winapi.inc(572,45) Hint: Parameter RIGHT not used
winapi.inc(572,52) Hint: Parameter BOTTOM not used
winapi.inc(582,38) Hint: Parameter PS not used
winapi.inc(662,28) Hint: Parameter DC not used
winapi.inc(662,37) Hint: Parameter LEFTRECT not used
winapi.inc(662,47) Hint: Parameter TOPRECT not used
winapi.inc(662,56) Hint: Parameter RIGHTRECT not used
winapi.inc(662,66) Hint: Parameter BOTTOMRECT not used
winapi.inc(857,32) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
winapi.inc(857,22) Hint: Parameter DC not used
Compiling extctrls.pp
customnotebook.inc(114,3) Note: Local variable MSG not used
customnotebook.inc(287,3) Note: Local variable MSG not used
customnotebook.inc(373,60) Hint: Parameter ROOT not used
timer.inc(31,57) Hint: Parameter IDEVENT not used
timer.inc(31,75) Hint: Parameter TIME not used
timer.inc(104,29) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
customradiogroup.inc(142,43) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
Compiling registry.pp
registry.inc(35,36) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(47,36) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(59,38) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(71,31) Hint: Parameter RELATIVE not used
registry.inc(86,34) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(86,48) Hint: Parameter BUFFER not used
registry.inc(87,11) Hint: Parameter BUFSIZE not used
registry.inc(87,33) Hint: Parameter REGDATA not used
registry.inc(100,38) Hint: Parameter VALUENAME not used
registry.inc(100,61) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(112,38) Hint: Parameter VALUENAME not used
registry.inc(124,38) Hint: Parameter VALUENAME not used
registry.inc(136,33) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(148,35) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(173,36) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(186,34) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(186,39) Hint: Parameter FILENAME not used
registry.inc(199,34) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(199,47) Hint: Parameter CANCREATE not used
registry.inc(216,41) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(216,59) Hint: Parameter BUFFER not used
registry.inc(216,67) Hint: Parameter BUFSIZE not used
registry.inc(228,35) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(252,35) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(264,39) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(276,36) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(288,38) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(300,37) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(312,35) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(324,42) Hint: Parameter UNCNAME not used
registry.inc(336,37) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(336,42) Hint: Parameter FILENAME not used
registry.inc(336,52) Hint: Parameter BACKUPFILENAME not used
registry.inc(348,37) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(348,42) Hint: Parameter FILENAME not used
registry.inc(360,34) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(360,39) Hint: Parameter FILENAME not used
registry.inc(372,36) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
registry.inc(384,38) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(414,31) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(414,50) Hint: Parameter PATH not used
registry.inc(426,33) Hint: Parameter STRINGS not used
registry.inc(438,35) Hint: Parameter STRINGS not used
registry.inc(450,35) Hint: Parameter OLDNAME not used
registry.inc(450,44) Hint: Parameter NEWNAME not used
registry.inc(450,61) Hint: Parameter DELETE not used
registry.inc(462,35) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(462,49) Hint: Parameter BUFFER not used
registry.inc(463,3) Hint: Parameter BUFSIZE not used
registry.inc(463,21) Hint: Parameter REGDATA not used
registry.inc(475,39) Hint: Parameter OLDNAME not used
registry.inc(475,48) Hint: Parameter NEWNAME not used
registry.inc(499,32) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(511,43) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(511,61) Hint: Parameter BUFFER not used
registry.inc(511,69) Hint: Parameter BUFSIZE not used
registry.inc(523,37) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(523,51) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(547,37) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(547,51) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(559,41) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(559,55) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(571,45) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(571,51) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(583,38) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(583,52) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(595,40) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(595,54) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(607,39) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(607,45) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
registry.inc(619,37) Hint: Parameter NAME not used
registry.inc(619,51) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
reginifile.inc(24,39) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(24,48) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(36,42) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(48,41) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(48,58) Hint: Parameter STRINGS not used
reginifile.inc(60,36) Hint: Parameter STRINGS not used
reginifile.inc(72,47) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(72,64) Hint: Parameter STRINGS not used
reginifile.inc(84,39) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(84,48) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(84,63) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
reginifile.inc(96,42) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(96,51) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(96,66) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
reginifile.inc(108,41) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(108,50) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(108,57) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
reginifile.inc(122,37) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(122,46) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(134,40) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(134,49) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
reginifile.inc(146,39) Hint: Parameter SECTION not used
reginifile.inc(146,48) Hint: Parameter IDENT not used
Compiling clipbrd.pp
clipbrd.inc(52,33) Hint: Parameter FORMAT not used
clipbrd.inc(58,41) Hint: Parameter PARENT not used
clipbrd.inc(89,32) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
clipbrd.inc(129,34) Hint: Parameter FORMAT not used
clipbrd.inc(129,48) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
Compiling filectrl.pp
Compiling spin.pp
Compiling comctrls.pp
Compiling toolwin.pp
toolwindow.inc(66,3) Hint: Local typed const CTL3DSTYLES is not used
toolwindow.inc(69,3) Note: Local variable RC not used
toolwindow.inc(62,37) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolwindow.inc(140,43) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolwindow.inc(145,42) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
comctrls.pp(910,28) Hint: Parameter CC not used
comctrls.pp(915,30) Hint: Parameter CC not used
statuspanels.inc(29,32) Hint: Parameter ITEM not used
listitem.inc(4,30) Hint: Parameter AOWNER not used
listitem.inc(11,38) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
listitem.inc(26,33) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
listitems.inc(4,31) Hint: Parameter AOWNER not used
listitems.inc(20,29) Hint: Parameter INDEX not used
listitems.inc(29,31) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
listitems.inc(36,30) Hint: Parameter INDEX not used
listitems.inc(36,47) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
listitems.inc(52,29) Hint: Parameter INDEX not used
listitems.inc(59,28) Hint: Parameter INDEX not used
customlistview.inc(31,36) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
customlistview.inc(38,34) Hint: Parameter ITEM not used
customlistview.inc(45,38) Hint: Parameter ITEM not used
toolbutton.inc(201,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbutton.inc(217,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(517,3) Hint: Local typed const BLANKBUTTON is not used
toolbar.inc(659,5) Note: Local variable I not used
toolbar.inc(827,3) Note: Local variable P is assigned but never used
toolbar.inc(1010,58) Hint: Parameter RECT not used
toolbar.inc(1019,32) Hint: Parameter M not used
toolbar.inc(1019,35) Hint: Parameter D not used
toolbar.inc(1038,34) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1054,39) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1084,43) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1092,44) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1099,35) Hint: Parameter NEWWIDTH not used
toolbar.inc(1099,45) Hint: Parameter NEWHEIGHT not used
toolbar.inc(1162,39) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1167,45) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1178,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1183,41) Hint: Parameter MESSAGE not used
toolbar.inc(1252,29) Hint: Parameter CODE not used
toolbar.inc(1252,44) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
toolbar.inc(1253,7) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
toolbar.inc(1268,29) Hint: Parameter CODE not used
toolbar.inc(1268,44) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
toolbar.inc(1269,7) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
toolbar.inc(1307,3) Note: Local variable MENU not used
toolbar.inc(1310,3) Note: Local variable PARENTMENU is assigned but never used
toolbar.inc(1402,3) Note: Local variable P is assigned but never used
trackbar.inc(100,29) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
trackbar.inc(263,33) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
trackbar.inc(274,31) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
trackbar.inc(309,34) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
comctrls.pp(900,3) Note: Local variable TOOLMENUKEYHOOK not used
comctrls.pp(901,3) Note: Local variable TOOLMENUHOOK not used
comctrls.pp(902,3) Note: Local variable INITDONE not used
comctrls.pp(903,3) Note: Local variable MENUTOOLBAR is assigned but never used
comctrls.pp(903,16) Note: Local variable MENUTOOLBAR2 is assigned but never used
comctrls.pp(904,3) Note: Local variable MENUBUTTONINDEX is assigned but never used
comctrls.pp(905,3) Note: Local variable LASTMENUITEM not used
comctrls.pp(906,3) Note: Local variable LASTMOUSEPOS not used
toolbar.inc(1252,10) Hint: Local proc TOOLMENUGETMSGHOOK is not used
toolbar.inc(1268,10) Hint: Local proc TOOLMENUKEYMSGHOOK is not used
comctrls.pp(355,5) Note: Private field TSTATUSBAR.FCONTEXT is never used
comctrls.pp(356,5) Note: Private field TSTATUSBAR.FMESSAGE is never used
comctrls.pp(357,5) Note: Private field TSTATUSBAR.FALIGNMENTWIDGET is never used
comctrls.pp(316,5) Note: Private field TSTATUSPANEL.FUPDATENEEDED is never used
comctrls.pp(420,5) Note: Private field TCUSTOMLISTVIEW.FREADONLY is never used
comctrls.pp(383,5) Note: Private field TLISTITEM.FINDEX is never used
Compiling dynhasharray.pp
Compiling clistbox.pp
34809 Lines compiled, 6.4 sec
rm -f ./units/allunits.ppw
rm -f ./units/interfaces.ppw
rm -f ./units/interfaces.ow
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C interfaces
make.exe[2]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C gtk all
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe --assume-new=interfaces.pp interfaces.ppw
make.exe[4]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD interfaces.pp
Note: Reading further options from (env) FPCEXTCMD
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.5 [2001/01/15] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling interfaces.pp
Compiling interfaces.pp
Compiling interfaces.pp
Compiling interfaces.pp
Compiling gtkint.pp
Compiling gtkdef.pp
gtkint.pp(114,7) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by TGTKOBJECT.CREATERECTRGN
gtkint.pp(114,7) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by TGTKOBJECT.PEEKMESSAGE
gtkint.pp(114,7) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by TGTKOBJECT.SETWINDOWLONG
Compiling gtkwinapiwindow.pp
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(161,38) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(161,58) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(168,61) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(176,57) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(184,58) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(225,64) Hint: Parameter THECLASS not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(418,51) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(431,32) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(431,52) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(440,3) Note: Local variable OBJECTCLASS is assigned but never used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(450,49) Hint: Parameter THECLASS not used
gtkwinapiwindow.pp(155,11) Hint: Local proc GTKAPIWIDGETCLIENT_UNREALIZE is not used
gtkcallback.inc(41,21) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(53,21) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(64,25) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(73,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(84,30) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(95,38) Hint: Parameter AREA not used
gtkcallback.inc(110,26) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(110,46) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(119,28) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(119,48) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(130,4) Note: Local variable MESS not used
gtkcallback.inc(128,17) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(136,45) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(194,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(253,22) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(253,42) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(265,26) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(265,46) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(293,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(293,44) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(303,4) Note: Local variable MESS not used
gtkcallback.inc(301,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(358,28) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(420,30) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(453,4) Note: Local variable MESS not used
gtkcallback.inc(451,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(451,44) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
gtkcallback.inc(465,32) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(504,36) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(521,4) Note: Local variable THEDIALOG is assigned but never used
gtkcallback.inc(519,30) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(534,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(544,22) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(554,22) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(564,27) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(659,44) Hint: Parameter PAGE not used
gtkcallback.inc(732,25) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(742,25) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(763,25) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(763,45) Hint: Parameter STARTPOS not used
gtkcallback.inc(763,55) Hint: Parameter ENDPOS not used
gtkcallback.inc(772,26) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(781,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(790,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(799,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(808,27) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(817,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(826,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(835,23) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(844,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(853,25) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(862,28) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(891,28) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(939,30) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(939,51) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(948,31) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkcallback.inc(948,52) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkcallback.inc(969,9) Note: Local variable L is assigned but never used
gtkcallback.inc(970,17) Note: Local variable PAGE is assigned but never used
gtkcallback.inc(1023,9) Note: Local variable L is assigned but never used
gtkcallback.inc(1024,17) Note: Local variable PAGE is assigned but never used
gtkcallback.inc(1087,3) Note: Local variable MSG not used
gtkcallback.inc(1083,24) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(13,3) Note: Local variable STRTEMP not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(3,34) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(5,14) Hint: Parameter X not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(6,14) Hint: Parameter Y not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(8,14) Hint: Parameter INFO not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(28,36) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(29,14) Hint: Parameter CONTEXT not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(32,14) Hint: Parameter TIME not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(60,40) Hint: Parameter WIDGET not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(61,20) Hint: Parameter CONTEXT not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(62,20) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
gtkobject.inc(232,4) Note: Local variable ATTRIBUTES not used
gtkobject.inc(233,4) Note: Local variable ATTRIBUTESMASK not used
gtkobject.inc(1114,5) Note: Local variable CURSORTYPE not used
gtkobject.inc(2255,4) Note: Local variable GC is assigned but never used
gtkobject.inc(2283,4) Note: Local variable GC is assigned but never used
gtkwinapi.inc(138,3) Hint: Local typed const DRAWABLE_MATRIX is not used
gtkwinapi.inc(186,36) Hint: Parameter HHK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(186,49) Hint: Parameter NCODE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(186,66) Hint: Parameter WPARAM not used
gtkwinapi.inc(186,74) Hint: Parameter LPARAM not used
gtkwinapi.inc(208,36) Hint: Parameter LPPREVWNDFUNC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(272,3) Note: Local variable RAWIMAGE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(785,35) Hint: Parameter X1 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(785,38) Hint: Parameter Y1 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(785,41) Hint: Parameter X2 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(785,44) Hint: Parameter Y2 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1103,36) Hint: Parameter HMENU not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1103,50) Hint: Parameter UIDENABLEITEM not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1104,3) Hint: Parameter BENABLE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1117,37) Hint: Parameter WND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1117,48) Hint: Parameter WSBFLAGS not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1117,58) Hint: Parameter WARROWS not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1146,115) Hint: Parameter DX not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1273,3) Note: Local variable FOCUSOBJECT not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1311,38) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1311,47) Hint: Parameter P2 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1311,51) Hint: Parameter P3 not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1311,67) Hint: Parameter ABCSTRUCTS not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1356,3) Note: Local variable COLOR not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1357,3) Note: Local variable NINDEX not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1568,35) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1568,49) Hint: Parameter BARFLAG not used
gtkwinapi.inc(1568,71) Hint: Parameter SCROLLINFO not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2024,3) Note: Local variable DATA not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2200,66) Hint: Parameter BERASE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2249,1) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
gtkwinapi.inc(2295,29) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2295,42) Hint: Parameter X not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2295,45) Hint: Parameter Y not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2295,48) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2295,55) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,3) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,15) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,21) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,36) Hint: Parameter MASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,51) Hint: Parameter XMASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2296,58) Hint: Parameter YMASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2297,3) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2319,48) Hint: Parameter EVENT not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2332,32) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2448,50) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2449,3) Hint: Parameter WMSGFILTERMIN not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2449,18) Hint: Parameter WMSGFILTERMAX not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2500,36) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2566,31) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,36) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,48) Hint: Parameter DX not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,52) Hint: Parameter DY not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,65) Hint: Parameter PRCSCROLL not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,76) Hint: Parameter PRCCLIP not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,92) Hint: Parameter HRGNUPDATE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,110) Hint: Parameter PRCUPDATE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2743,128) Hint: Parameter FLAGS not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2757,3) Note: Local variable COLOR not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2837,35) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2837,44) Hint: Parameter PALETTE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2837,63) Hint: Parameter FORCEBACKGROUND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2917,31) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2917,40) Hint: Parameter BKMODE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(2932,3) Note: Local variable SENDER not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3169,43) Hint: Parameter _HDC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3169,55) Hint: Parameter NCHAREXTRA not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3296,36) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3314,21) Warning: Comment level 2 found
gtkwinapi.inc(3316,17) Warning: Comment level 2 found
gtkwinapi.inc(3306,34) Hint: Parameter HWND not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3306,46) Hint: Parameter HWNDINSERTAFTER not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3307,7) Hint: Parameter X not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3307,10) Hint: Parameter Y not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3307,13) Hint: Parameter CX not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3307,17) Hint: Parameter CY not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3307,30) Hint: Parameter UFLAGS not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3365,3) Hint: Local typed const POLICY is not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3363,35) Hint: Parameter HANDLE not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3363,49) Hint: Parameter WBAR not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3363,64) Hint: Parameter BSHOW not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3410,3) Note: Local variable PIXMAP not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3411,3) Note: Local variable PIXMAPWID not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3455,36) Hint: Parameter DESTDC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3455,49) Hint: Parameter X not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3455,52) Hint: Parameter Y not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3455,55) Hint: Parameter WIDTH not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3455,62) Hint: Parameter HEIGHT not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,3) Hint: Parameter SRCDC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,15) Hint: Parameter XSRC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,21) Hint: Parameter YSRC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,27) Hint: Parameter SRCWIDTH not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,37) Hint: Parameter SRCHEIGHT not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3456,57) Hint: Parameter MASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3457,3) Hint: Parameter XMASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3457,10) Hint: Parameter YMASK not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3457,26) Hint: Parameter ROP not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3472,29) Hint: Parameter DC not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3472,38) Hint: Parameter X not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3472,40) Hint: Parameter Y not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3472,53) Hint: Parameter STR not used
gtkwinapi.inc(3472,66) Hint: Parameter COUNT not used
gtkint.pp(130,3) Note: Local variable TARGET_TABLE is assigned but never used
gtkint.pp(133,3) Note: Local variable TRASHCAN_OPEN not used
gtkint.pp(134,3) Note: Local variable TRASHCAN_OPEN_MASK not used
gtkint.pp(135,3) Note: Local variable TRASHCAN_CLOSED not used
gtkint.pp(136,3) Note: Local variable TRASHCAN_CLOSED_MASK not used
gtkint.pp(140,3) Note: Local variable DRAGGING not used
gtkint.pp(216,3) Note: Local variable EVENT not used
gtkproc.inc(679,10) Hint: Local proc TCOLORTOTGDKCOLOR is not used
gtkproc.inc(705,10) Hint: Local proc GETPEN is not used
gtkcallback.inc(128,10) Hint: Local proc GTKMAP is not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(3,10) Hint: Local proc EDIT_DRAG_DATA_RECEIVED is not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(28,10) Hint: Local proc EDIT_SOURCE_DRAG_DATA_GET is not used
gtkdragcallback.inc(60,10) Hint: Local proc EDIT_SOURCE_DRAG_DATA_DELETE is not used
gtkint.pp(235,3) Note: Local variable N not used
12833 Lines compiled, 3.2 sec
make.exe[4]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/lcl'
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C components all
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components'
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C synedit all
make.exe[2]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components/synedit'
rm -f ../units/allunits.ppw
ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD allunits.pp
Note: Reading further options from (env) FPCEXTCMD
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.5 [2001/01/15] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling allunits.pp
Compiling syntextdrawer.pp
syntextdrawer.pp(575,29) Warning: Local variable ABC does not seem to be initialized
syntextdrawer.pp(603,30) Warning: Local variable ABC2 does not seem to be initialized
Compiling syneditkeycmds.pp
Compiling syneditstrconst.pp
syneditkeycmds.pp(306,25) Hint: Parameter SHORTCUT not used
syneditkeycmds.pp(511,37) Hint: Parameter CMD not used
Compiling synedittypes.pp
Compiling syneditsearch.pp
Compiling syneditmiscprocs.pp
syneditmiscprocs.pp(207,49) Hint: Parameter TABWIDTH not used
Compiling syneditmiscclasses.pp
Compiling synedittextbuffer.pp
Compiling synedit.pp
Compiling synedithighlighter.pp
synedithighlighter.pp(400,40) Hint: Parameter ATTRKEY not used
synedithighlighter.pp(400,49) Hint: Parameter ATTRNAME not used
synedithighlighter.pp(464,40) Hint: Parameter ATTRKEY not used
synedithighlighter.pp(464,49) Hint: Parameter ATTRNAME not used
synedithighlighter.pp(396,3) Hint: Local typed const PAL16 is not used
synedithighlighter.pp(562,53) Hint: Parameter REG not used
synedithighlighter.pp(673,48) Hint: Parameter SETTINGINDEX not used
synedithighlighter.pp(679,3) Hint: Parameter KEY not used
synedithighlighter.pp(726,52) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedithighlighter.pp(790,48) Hint: Parameter AKEYWORD not used
synedithighlighter.pp(821,42) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
synedithighlighter.pp(830,49) Hint: Parameter VALUE not used
synedit.pp(659,6) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by TCUSTOMSYNEDIT.SETTEXT
synedit.pp(819,5) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
synedit.pp(1163,38) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(1550,40) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(1555,39) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(1695,45) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(3272,42) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
synedit.pp(3357,41) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
synedit.pp(3520,38) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(3585,41) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(4566,7) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
synedit.pp(4618,3) Hint: Local const ALPHANUMERIC is not used
synedit.pp(5404,41) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(5479,40) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(5555,48) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(5735,42) Hint: Parameter MSG not used
synedit.pp(5765,49) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(5980,49) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
synedit.pp(6567,43) Hint: Parameter CHANGES not used
synedit.pp(770,18) Hint: Unit SYNEDITSTRCONST not used in SYNEDIT
Compiling synhighlighterpas.pp
synhighlighterpas.pp(1296,39) Hint: Parameter SETTINGS not used
Compiling syncompletion.pas
syncompletion.pas(370,44) Hint: Parameter BUTTON not used
syncompletion.pas(371,3) Hint: Parameter SHIFT not used
syncompletion.pas(371,23) Hint: Parameter X not used
syncompletion.pas(443,47) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
syncompletion.pas(452,49) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
syncompletion.pas(548,51) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
syncompletion.pas(264,18) Hint: Unit SYNEDITSTRCONST not used in SYNCOMPLETION
Compiling syneditautocomplete.pp
syneditautocomplete.pp(163,56) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
syneditautocomplete.pp(518,39) Hint: Parameter ACHAR not used
syneditautocomplete.pp(518,52) Hint: Parameter DATA not used
syneditautocomplete.pp(519,3) Hint: Parameter HANDLERDATA not used
syneditautocomplete.pp(133,18) Hint: Unit MENUS not used in SYNEDITAUTOCOMPLETE
Compiling synhighlighterhtml.pp
Compiling synhighlightercpp.pp
synhighlightercpp.pp(1474,39) Hint: Parameter SETTINGS not used
22917 Lines compiled, 6.3 sec
Compilation aborted :54
Runtime error 216 at 0x004A726B
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components/synedit'
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components'
make.exe[2]: *** [allunits.ppw] Error 216
make.exe[1]: *** [synedit_all] Error 2
make.exe: *** [components_all] Error 2
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