[lazarus] Problems compiling Lazarus under Win
Marc Weustink
Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Thu Apr 12 05:23:48 EDT 2001
+ From: Marc Geldon [mailto:marcgeldon at web.de]
+ Hello!
+ I've got problems compiling Lazarus under Windows 98. In this
+ email I have attached an logfile of the make-ing.
[snip make of LCL]
+ make.exe[1]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components'
+ c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C synedit all
+ make.exe[2]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus/components/synedit'
+ rm -f ../units/allunits.ppw
+ ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD allunits.pp
+ Note: Reading further options from (env) FPCEXTCMD
+ Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.5 [2001/01/15] for i386
+ Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Target OS: Win32 for i386
+ Compiling allunits.pp
+ Compiling synhighlightercpp.pp
+ synhighlightercpp.pp(1474,39) Hint: Parameter SETTINGS not used
+ 22917 Lines compiled, 6.3 sec
+ Compilation aborted :54
+ Runtime error 216 at 0x004A726B
Eeeek... looks like a problem with the compiler
Have you tried to make again (without cleaning) ?
and/or can you try making in the c:/pp/lazarus/components/synedit dir ?
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