[lazarus] Win32 testall report

Markku Niskanen markku.niskanen at iki.fi
Sun Feb 25 15:13:07 EST 2001

Hello all,

I have run the testall application in WinNT 4.0, I had in mind to make
a comparison test but for some reason I could not run the test app in
my Linux box (Access violation etc).

General status:
It seems to me that the WinGTK library has some severe bugs and 
should be replaced with native Win32 calls asap.

Big problems:
* The app consumes 100% of CPU resources all the time,
presumably due to speedbutton redraw?
* Occasionally the application will not respond to any input or any
mouse command however, it seems to receive mouse events.
* There is a severe memory leak (ca 1 MB/20 secs, speedbuttons?)

General problems
* The text in the text area (Welcome...) does not paint automatically.
* Menu does not paint automatically, works though when you
find it :-)

Tests and problems in alphabetic order
'*' Implies a problem
TApplication: OK
TBevel: OK
Application is killed when any Ok/Cancel
is pressed.
"Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkmain.c: line 613 (gtk_main_quit): assertion
`main_loops != NULL' failed
[TgtkObject.Destroy] WARNING: There are 1087 unreleased DCs and 1889
unreleased GDIObjects"
-- otherwise it seems to work.
TButton: OK
*TCanvas: does nothing.
TCheckBox: OK
*TClipboard: dows nothing.
*TCListBox : works (1 listbox visible)
*TComboBox : Boxes seem to work but copying does not work.
TGroupBox : OK
*TEdit: Selection of text does not work
*TFontDialog: When canceling returns something.
*TForm: Does not seem to do anything
*TIniFile: Crashes the application, dump:
	An unhandled exception occurred at 0x0044F0B5 :
	"0,5" is an invalid float
*TListBox: Copying works, Edit fields accept no input
*TMemo: Memo field accepts no input
TNoteBook: OK
*TOpenDialog: Does nothing
*TPaintBox: Does nothing
*TPopupMenu: Does nothing
TProgressBar: OK
TRadioButton: OK
TRadioGroup:  OK
*TSaveDialog: Does nothing
TScreen: OK (presumably)
TScrollBar: OK
*TSpeedButton: Continous redraw
TSpinEdit: OK
TStatusBar: OK
TThread: Does nothing (?)
TTimer: OK
*TTogglebox: Seems to work but value not updated
*TTrackBar: Once you drag too fast the thumb is lost;
only a very accurate and slow movement works.


markku.niskanen at iki.fi

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