[lazarus] To see what I mean about the traffic

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Tue Feb 27 12:19:33 EST 2001

Distributing applications on Linux will save "many" people money.  The idea for companies is that they can develop their applications on Linux boxes and save purchasing Windows NT/95/98 OS and  Client Access Licenses.  Not to mention the baby sitting these systems need.  

I agree that people like myself and other developers may NOT be able to recover the develpment costs unless you end up getting business from customers by telling them that you can reduce their support costs because they will be using Linux.  Granted, Linux will be used in most cases on the server side and not the client, but this is what needs to be pushed.  If you write an application for a company that will be running this app on a PC with little to nothing else on it then you could have them use Linux and develop in Kylix.  

In most cases however, this will not yet work.   Most companies are simply too attached to the Windows environment.


>>> marcov at stack.nl 02/27/01 10:57AM >>>
> > Just to say that I don't think the problems will be worse, but there
> > will be enough problems to warrant a decent setup tool on linux.
> > RPM by itself doesn't qualify in this case, IMHO.
> But one thing comes to mind: As the CLX is dual-licensed under GPL, it
> should be possible for distributions to deliver [RPM|deb|whatever...]
> packages?
> Only the Kylix IDE itself will be a problem, as it cannot be rebuilt
> from sources by everybody. But GPL'ed applications could be...

For distributions? Yes. But distributing GPL'ed programs only will make
money for a few people. (the real big projects that can sell support), and
they are not enough to recover Kylix developping-costs, let alone allow
Borland to make a profit.

The professional programmers of any size will have to buy Kylix, and they
will have to distribute their programs, and charge for it.

And a lot of them will have no problems (serverside apps mostly run on
relatively unpatched RH servers), but for the rest (that will write
"consumer" apps, or clients) will have to be more flexible.

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