[lazarus] Linux Today - Tonight Live: The death of a Linux Mag, Stupid MPAA tricks, The Lazarus development environment

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Tue Feb 27 11:23:34 EST 2001

Here is the program.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com
Title: Linux Today - Tonight Live: The death of a Linux Mag, Stupid MPAA tricks, The Lazarus development environment
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  :Tonight Live: The death of a Linux Mag, Stupid MPAA tricks, The Lazarus development environment
	Tonight Live: The death of a Linux Mag, Stupid MPAA tricks, The Lazarus development environmentFeb 27, 2001, 15 :30 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (450 reads) (Other stories by Jeff Gerhardt)
	[ Thanks to Jeff Gerhardt for this link. ]

Tuesday, February 27th, 2001
Tonight LIVE on www.thelinuxshow.com

At 6pm pst, 7pm rmt, 8pm cst, and 9pm east.... Kevin, Jeff, PJ, Doc Searls (of the Linux Journal), and Emmett Plant have another great show lined up tonight on The Linux Show!!   

In Segment One - Hot News: We will be covering the hot Linux news of the week.  Incuding the demise of Maximum Linux Magazine and the ongoing stupid moves by the MPAA and sending DeCSS action threats to (of all people) David Touretzky.

In Segments Two - Lazarus - Is Lazarus the open source answer to Kylix?

We will be joined by Michael A. Hess & Shane Miller of The Lazarus Project, and we will be discussing how this upstart open source project is shooting for status along with Kylix and Delphi.

Lazarus is a RAD Object Pascal Development IDE for use with Free Pascal. It now uses the latest release of SynEdit. The use of SynEdit is an indication of the ability of porting Delphi code to Lazarus. Here is a list of some of the things found in the IDE. 

Form Designer 
Object Inspector 
Editor Options 
Compiler Options 
Environment Options 
Project Options 
Code Completion 
Syntax Highlighting 
The IDE is built with the Lazarus LCL (Lazarus Class Libraries) which is analogous to the Delphi VCL. The LCL is designed to be widget independent so it can be built and run with different API widgets sets. Currently most development work is being done using GTK+ and the IDE can be run in Linux and to a certain extent in Win32. In the future interfaces for KDE, Gnome and other libraries will be available. 

Lazarus is designed to work with Free Pascal. This means that any platform where Free Pascal can run you can build and use Lazarus. To date version of Lazarus have been built on Linux, Win32, and FreeBSD. The IDE looks and operates in much the same fashion as the Delphi IDE. 

In Segments Three - Microsoft & the case that will not go away Continues 
Microsoft takes another swing at the DOJ.  Will this play well in light of the BSA campaigns?  With the DOJ by the argument that Judge Jackson is a wacko?
If you  would like to join us on the show, check our our IRC Chat 
(irc.thelinuxshow.com #linuxshow).

Remember tune in at 6pm pst, 7pm rmt, 8pm cst, and 9pm est.
Catch the Linux show at www.thelinuxshow.com

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