[lazarus] Nice talk...

Dalton Calford dcalford at distributel.ca
Wed Feb 28 16:47:54 EST 2001

Hi Michael,

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> I sincerely hope so.
> The words by Dalton Calford make me a bit sceptical though.
> (Completely aside: the whole Interbase show of the last year should
> send a nice apple-red color to the cheeks of the Inprise managers :) )
> Maybe, but I doubt that this means assigning an engineer to do some work on
> FPC :-)

I was in the middle of the whole Interbase/ISC/Inprise/Borland Fiasco.
I dealt directly with all the involved parties.
I can tell you that even if you get a commitment from a senior member of
management at borprise, you can not count on it.  Even the board of
directors was kept in the dark concerning alot of the actions being
taken at that time.  Arbitrary decisions and political infighting were
the order of the day inside borland at the time and I have been given no
indication that it has changed.

The one thing that has shown true, is that they will take full advantage
of any marketing benefits they can get while ensuring they have full
control to the end.

> Ah well, enough gossip. Back to work.


Too true, oh so true....

best regards


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