[lazarus] Nice talk...

Michael Van Canneyt michael at wisa.be
Wed Feb 28 16:32:05 EST 2001

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Michael A. Hess wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > 
> > What intrigues me is: what else did Michael Swindell say about
> > Lazarus and Free Pascal after the show ?
> It wasn't a great deal more than to indicate that what was said during
> the show wasn't just lip service.

I sincerely hope so. 
The words by Dalton Calford make me a bit sceptical though.

(Completely aside: the whole Interbase show of the last year should 
send a nice apple-red color to the cheeks of the Inprise managers :) )

> He wanted contact information and
> mentioned who he was going to pass it along to.

Who would that be (if it's not a secret of course)? 
Rick Nadler or maybe Chuck Jadzewski (not sure about spelling here), 
Just Curious. Or maybe it's some marketing guy...

> > Are they really prepared to cooperate ?
> Well that remain to be seen doesn't it. It will all depend on what kind
> of noise is made after the release of Kylix. We all know that the FSF
> will debunk it since it isn't Free as in cost 

The open edition will be if you download it :)

> or Free as in open source.

If Mr. Stallman or the FSF do that, I think they have an attitude problem. 
After all, GPL isn't the next biggest thing since 1+1=2. 
It's just a license like any other. They act like it's a religion.

You get the CLX and RTL for free, so make something better with it.
I thought that was what open source was all about?

> > And how far does 'cooperation' go ?
> I don't think it is much further than working with us to get CLX usable
> with Lazarus which would also intail working with the FPC team to make
> sure that it is as compatible as possible.

Maybe, but I doubt that this means assigning an engineer to do some work on
FPC :-)

> > Back in 1999, the idea of cooperation was met with a certain
> > scepticism by Borland employees, so I would like to know what
> > changed their mind.
> Hey controversy and a public forum is a wonderful thing.   ;-)

Not to mention that FPC has made some great strides since then :)

Ah well, enough gossip. Back to work.


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