[lazarus] Another interview I forgot to mention

Guaracy Monteiro guaracy at hotnet.net
Sat Mar 3 17:45:05 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael A. Hess" <mhess at miraclec.com>

> Greetings,
> It just occured to me that I failed to publish the fact that I did an
> interview last week with regards to Lazarus. It was the same day that I
> did the Press Release so that is why I forgot about it.
> The interview was for:
> Revista Mundo Delphi (Delphi World Magazine), a brasilian publish
> So for any of our brasilian friends be sure to check it out.

First, i'm not work on 'Delphi World Magazine'.

Tanks for the interview.
On usage statistics Brazil figure on top 10 (...,January top 6, February top
10, March top 8). My access is .net so i am out.

The interview will be publish on issue #6 (abril/2001), stay tuned.

ptBR (pt)
A entrevista será publicada na edição de aniversário da revista, número 6,
que sairá em abril.

Guaracy B. Monteiro

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