[lazarus] clipboard is there
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Nov 12 12:29:13 EST 2001
LCL has now more than a clipboard, it has three of them.
- a TClipboard object for each of the three selection types under gtk:
PrimarySelection, SecondarySelection and Clipboard.
- Very similar to Delphis TClipboard.
- Internal caching. This accelerates access and makes it possible to use all
three clipboards even under win32. (Although the Primary- and Secondary-
Selection will only work within an application.)
- Putting data on demand. You can set the supported formats without setting
the data. Just set the OnRequest event and put the data when someone
requests a specific format. This makes it easy to use the PrimarySelection.
- The gtk interface automatically translates TEXT, STRING, COMPOUND_TEXT and
text/plain to text and back.
Usage examples:
1. Putting text onto the clipboard:
Clipboard.AsText := 'some text';
2. Getting text from the clipboard:
MyString := Clipboard.AsText;
3. Registering a custom clipboard format:
var MyCustomFormatID: TClipboardFormat;
MyCustomFormatID := ClipboardRegisterFormat('My custom format');
4. The IDE itself:
TSynEdit now supports the LCL clipboard.
- Paste/Copy/Cut will use text and TSynEdits own text format
- Setting the selection will also set the primary selection
- Middle mouse button will insert the primary selection.
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