[lazarus] How do I build Lazarus for Win32 from CVS sources?

Keith Bowes keith_bowes at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 7 15:11:56 EDT 2002

>From: "Luciano Coutinho Barcellos" <majnun at ig.com.br>

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply.

>It seems to me that the generated version of Lazarus (which is 7Mb
>large) is not using GTK+, but it's already using the Win32 LCL.

Yes, it has been for a while (since the GTK+ version can't be compiled on 
Windows without getting the new GTK+ DLL's, changing the GTK+ units, and 
adjusting all the Makefiles).

>So, if I
>plan to join the team and help the development of Win32 LCL, what should I
>do for it?  At which stage is the project now?

The Lazarus project status in general is indicated on the web site.  As for 
the Win32 LCL, most components are implemented, but not everything has been 
tested and there are quite a few bugs left.

>     I have a good skill on Delphi programming and I would like to help
>making Lazarus work fine on Win32 soon.

That's good.  I'm a rank amateur who's amazed himself by getting anything 
working.  All the Win32-API interface code's in lcl/interfaces/win32.  Have 

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